Drunk Man Eaten Alive By A Pack Of Stray Dogs


The video shows the death of a man killed by 12 wild dogs and eaten alive in Russia.
The attacked man is known to be a security guard in the area. He regularly fed his dogs, as he strolled through this deserted street in the center of Sovetsky town of Russia.
The incident was only detected when the local police viewed the security camera.
According to the video, the dogs seem to have “Betrayed” the man when he passed here without carrying food.
The drunken man was not alert enough to fight off the dogs.
About 12 fierce animals were seen pulling him to the ground and biting his limbs several times.
The man kicked on some dogs but it did not work. Although he got up twice, he finally could not escape the dogs in the deserted road.
His body was discovered the next morning and the security footage was written to help the police understand what had happen.
Authorities in Russia are yet to confirm whether these animals have been detained.


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