- Raouf Abdul Rahman sentenced the dictator to death by hanging in 2006
- He was reportedly captured and killed by militants last week
- Iraqi government is yet to confirm his death, but have not denied his capture
- Judge thought to have been killed in retaliation for death of Saddam Hussein
The judge who sentenced former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein to death has been captured and executed by ISIS militants, it is claimed.
Raouf Abdul Rahman, who sentenced the dictator to death by hanging in 2006, was reportedly killed by rebels in retaliation for the execution of the 69-year-old.
His death has not been confirmed by the Iraqi government, but officials had not denied reports of his capture last week.
He is believed to have been arrested on June 16, and died two days later.
Jordanian MP Khalil Attieh wrote on his Facebook page that Judge Rahman, who had headed the Supreme Iraqi Criminal Tribunal during Saddam’s trial, had been arrested and sentenced to death.
‘Iraqi revolutionaries arrested him and sentenced him to death in retaliation for the death of the martyr Saddam Hussein,’ he said, according to Al-Mesyroon.
Attieh also said that Judge Rahman had unsuccessfully attempted to escape from Baghdad disguised in a dancer’s costume.