It isn’t “acceptable” in the Nigeria of the future to support any  so called politician itching to divide our nation or use power and authority to settle political scores…….GOOD-NEWS NIGERIA .
GOOD-NEWS NIGERIA , THE BIGGEST POLITICAL ALLIANCE THAT IS BRINGING TOGETHER North ,East, West and South OF NIGERIA under a formidable network to vote for one candidate that represents the “United Nigeria”
GOOD-NEWS NIGERIA is already working towards changing our society for the better by this political alliance it’s evident that GOOD-NEWS NIGERIA represent UNITY which is most needed for the complete democratization of a United Nigeria by 2019.
GOOD-NEWS NIGERIA is encouraging all citizens to boldly stand up for their beliefs about what’s best for our nation and to lay the best foundation necessary for the future; a “UNITED NIGERIA”
So let’s get right to it. Shifting Nigeria back on course requires an incorruptible personality as the Nigerian  nominee devoid of political party or religious ideology.
Not only the candidate will win the 2019 general election, but he would be the only choice the Nigerian voters should consider and should consider themselves lucky to have on their side.
The GOOD-NEWS NIGERIA has profile many interested individuals but arrived at Col Dangiwa Umar who is today the only Nigerian of repute who is in real contact with the grassroots in spite of his influence across the nation. His social muscles are waxing stronger, his followership increasing and his consciousness expanding. People see Dangiwa as that Key element in the struggle for social independence of his People
His constant forthrightness, unassailable integrity and speaking the truth no matter whose ox is gored;his name is Col. Abubakar Dangiwa Umar. But for his depth of conviction, Umar would have been one of our retired Generals sitting on billions of unearned wealth today given his profile within the army and  his blue blood. He remains a farmer living within his means because he places principles above bread and butter.
Umar was born on September 21, 1949 in Birnin Kebbi, Kebbi State. His father was a school teacher and administrator with the traditional title of Wazirin Gwandu who became a member of the House of Representatives in Lagos (1954 – 1964) and Commissioner for Works in the North-Western State (1968 – 1975).
He was educated at Government College, Sokoto (1964 – 1968), Nigeria Defence Academy, Kaduna, (1967 – 1972), Nigeria Army Armoured School, Ibadan, (1972), US Army Administration School, Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, USA (1976), Royal Armour School, Kentucky, USA (1977 – 1978), Command and Staff College, Jaji (1978 – 1979 and 1982 – 1983), Bayero University, Kano (1979 – 1981), Harvard University, USA (1988 – 1989). Umar joined the Nigerian Army in 1967 and was commissioned as Second Lieutenant in March 1972.
He held various positions, including ADC to Major General Hassan Usman Katsina, Deputy Chief of Staff, Supreme Headquarters. Umar was appointed General Staff Officer in the Department of Armour, Army Headquarters.
He was Chairman of the Federal Housing Authority (1984 -1985),appointed governor of Kaduna State and was promoted from a Major to Lt-Col. He was governor of Kaduna State from September 1985 to June 1988 and had to deal with a serious religious crisis within the state in 1987, without taking sides in the dispute.
His words then are immortal.
“If you win a religious war, you cannot win a religious peace. Since the killing started how many Christians have been converted to Islam? How many Muslims have been converted to Christianity? It is an exercise in futility”
In an interview with Naija in 2013, Col. Umar reminisced on his days as Kaduna governor and the Southern Kaduna crisis and said: “During my administration, I was able to win the minds of the Southern Kaduna indigenes and I made sure we removed discrimination in whatever form. That was exactly my achievement. Peace prevailed.” This is an advance indictment of the situation in that community today. In 1993, he was Colonel and Commander of the Armoured Corps Centre and School. And it was the year he eked his name in national consciousness and eternal relevance.
It was the year his boss, General Ibrahim Babangida annulled the freest and fairest election ever held in Nigeria. Even though he was one of the famous “IBB Boys”, he opposed  the annulment of the June 12, 1993 presidential election, and started looking for support within the army for installing the elected president M.K.O. Abiola with such an attitude he could only be described as an Icon of truth ,this is seen In October of that year, he was detained on suspicion of conspiracy while most Yorubas sees him as a pointer of hope ,however the military tried to pinned him with allegation of conspiracy yet he was not charged.
After being released he resigned his commission. On the events that led to his exit from the military, these are Umar’s recollections. June 12 elections “The election was held, we realized  Abiola was going to win, I dashed to Abuja, met with the chairman of the electoral commission. He told me he had received 22 states and it looked like Abiola was coasting home to victory. I pleaded with him to ensure that he announced the results. Abacha invited me. He told me that IBB would not allow the results to be announced. He said we should go ahead, topple him and hand over to the winner. He sent me on a wild goose chase; he said I should get the army boys ready for any eventuality. Of course, I went round the country, we got our boys ready. What was agreed was that the person that would announce the overthrow of Babangida would announce the result of the elections and hand over to the winner.
We got all the boys in all the regional headquarters ready. Abacha said he was going to call the GOCs to let them know that the military had decided to let the winner of the June 12 to take over. On the eve of the coup, we went for a coordinating conference, all the boys were alerted. The conference had Col. Dasuki, Col. Gwadabe among other officers to coordinate the last minute of the take-over. Gen. Abacha was to join us later but he failed to appear. An officer asked me which appointment I would like to take in the new government. I replied, ‘Which government? I was told that Abacha had decided to take over power for six months before handing over to Abiola.
I told them that was a very dangerous development and that I would not partake in such a plan. We reached a deadlock and I decided to go and confront Gen. Abacha. “Around nine in the night, I went to Abacha’s house and I met him alone. I asked him why he changed the plan. I told him that the only reason I joined in the plot was to hand over to Abiola immediately. I told him that I knew that any coup against Babangida was like a suicide mission but I decided to join even at the cost of my life because I wanted Nigerians to know I was not part of the annulment that would plunge the country into crisis. I told him we should continue with our earlier plan. He said the problem was that Abiola could not control the country with all the problems. I told him that whatever happened I would not partake in a coup that would bring him to power. While I was talking with him, Gen. Ahmed Abdullahi appeared. I told him that I was out of the plan. I left and radioed all those we put on the standby and told them that the coup plan had been terminated, that we were not going to continue. I told senior officers that Abacha was only trying to hoodwink us.
When that plot failed, Abacha and some other officers convinced IBB to step aside but that he should leave some trusted officers, to work with an interim government to stabilize the polity. That way, the coast was left free for Abacha.” Conscience of a fractured nation: Since his premature exit from the army in 1993, Umar has remained a conscience of this fractured nation who speaks truth to power at all times.
His articulation on the principles of social justice and equality, visionary leadership and doggedness required for uniting Nigeria makes the GOOD NEWS NIGERIA 2019.
Sit down with Col Dangiwa one-on-one for a conversation and you can tell he’s Genuine
He is not like those politician that fooled us in the past. Yes, Dangiwa is different. Guess what? That’s a good thing.
It’s make or break time – and drastic times call for, well, not drastic measures but certainly something different. Nigeria is headed towards demise. If the old adage is that ‘insanity is trying the same thing time and time again and expecting a different result,’ why would we vote the usual type of politician?
Dangiwa is not reliant on campaign funds/money bags . This cannot be overstated enough. Not relying on money bags – especially not waiting for the sponsorship of huge spenders or from just a handful of individuals .No one will own Col. Dangiwa Umar but yet GOOD-NEWS NIGERIA have the cash, supporters to see the campaign through as it’s  OUR COLLECTIVE RESOLVE FOR A UNITED NIGERIA This is an astonishing, frightening smear. Why? Because it means we no longer even bother with the pretense  that only with money you can’t win Presidential election in Nigeria.
Who said Dangiwa doesn’t have the big donors/funding-network to go all the way into ASO ROCK ….precisely why GOOD-NEWS NIGERIA wants Dangiwa as the “2019 UNITED NIGERIA PROJECT”
Yes, he is outspoken and doesn’t have much of a filter. We keep hearing that Col Dangiwa mouth is a problem. But where they see a loudmouth, GOOD-NEWS NIGERIA sees a leader loaded with realistic truths. Where they see a lack of filter, GOOD-NEWS NIGERIA see transparency. Where they see a man who gaffes, GOOD-NEWS NIGERIA see a man who is willing to wipe the cancer of political correctness out of our society.
Where they see a loose cannon, GOOD-NEWS NIGERIA see a man who says what he means and means what he says. Or, would we rather the typical party man or establishment politician who runs a statement by many handlers, unending advisers, and a social-media team before making it? Do we wish to be led by an individual who does not speak from the heart but rather prefers to be advised on what to say and when to say it? Do we wish to be led by a politician who waits to see how the polls emerge on a subject before issuing an opinion? Do you seek a president…. or a puppet who’s views who you do not truly know?
He speaks for all people. He is among the only genuine persons that stands for the poor, average class and even the few privileged, we need a leader that represents all but above all THE GOOD-NEWS NIGERIA sees in him  the much needed Nigerian voice. We have politicians who will throw us meaningless bones, corny platitudes about the “Nigerian project “, and make big promises they will never keep. At the end of the day, all do their donors’ bidding, and the bidding of Big Business rather than ours. Try speaking up and you will be flattened. It takes someone powerful, who is beholden to no-one more powerful, to lift up our concerns. Thank heavens we have someone who understands those concerns and is our duty to make him willing to be that only voice.
Col. Dangiwa is a man of sound morals. The GOOD-NEWS NIGERIA however knows to look at a man’s actions and his record in life. What is Col Dangiwa? For one, he’s known for a disciplinary retired Military Officer who handled every person around him well. Secondly, he never had any ugly scandal or brush with the law – he seems to lead a fairly straight-arrow life.
Yes our Presidential hopeful “The GOOD-NEWS NIGERIA 2019 Col. Abubakar Dangiwa Umar” FOR A UNITED NIGERIA.
Engr. Dauda J Mbaya, National Coordinator (08033344640)
Mr V B Mathew, Director Media and Public Affairs (09066678050)
Mallam Aminu Musa, Director Research and Intelligent
Brr. Osagie Isiramen, Director Legal Services
Mr Olalekan Ibiyemi, Director Administration
Hajiya Maryam Abubakar, Acting National Women Leader
Mr Sadiq Amos Aboi, National Youth Leader .
Mr Toba OWAJAYE, Director New Media


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