Budget 2020 suffers a setback in Senate


The proposed passage of the 2020 budget by the Senate is no longer feasible due to some setbacks.

The Chairman, Senate Committee on Appropriation, Barau Jibrin, told his colleagues in the Senate, on Tuesday, that the report was not ready, thereby requested a one-week extension to enable the committee to complete the report and lay it before the Senators alongside the details.

“We have been able to collate all the reports of the sub-committees and we have so far analysed these reports. We have been able to put everything together with our team of experts.  What remains now is to crosscheck and make sure there is no mistake. Crossing all the “T”s and dotting all the “I”s. Thereafter, we will now go to print because we want to submit all the details. What remains now will take us up to Sunday, so by Monday we should be able to have all the clear details and then we will lay it on Tuesday,” Jibrin said.

The request was approved by the Senate President, Ahmad Lawan, he said that the report of the budget must be laid “unfailingly” by the committee next Tuesday so that the Senate can consider and pass it within that week.

“I am sure you are working with the House Committee on Appropriation. The Senate will give you an additional week and that is without fail. By the grace of God, you should be able to lay it here and the Senate should pass it within that week,” Lawan said.


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