Amina Mohammed just won Global citizen prize world leader award 2019


A Global Goals pioneer has just received major recognition for her dedication to ending extreme poverty.

Global Citizen has honored Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, Amina Mohammed, with the World Leader Prize at the inaugural Global Citizen Prize award ceremony at London’s Royal Albert Hall.

The ceremony will be broadcast around the world later in December 2019 and you can find out how to tune-in and watch wherever you are here.

The World Leader Prize celebrates “an individual in the political or advocacy space who has advocated for and implemented policy changes that have improved the lives of those suffering the effects of poverty”.

As Mohammed took to the stage on Friday night, the whole of the Royal Albert Hall stood to applaud her and her incredible work around the world, before she addressed the crowd.

“The only purpose of power is to serve with the courage of one’s conviction that all people in the world have rights that must be respected,” she said, during her truly moving speech.

“Today, our world is facing many crises: climate change, inequality, injustice, conflict. And yet, we have never had so much in our hands to make the world a more peaceful and prosperous place,” she continued.

“Leaders at all levels, in all constituencies, be it business, civil society, government, you name it, have to embrace the new era of change and deliver for people and for the planet.”


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