New Campaign Record: Biden beats Obama by raising $364 million in August

Democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden.
Democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden.

Democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden, raised more than $364 million in August, reportedly breaking the record for monthly campaign donations even though his fundraising efforts were largely online because of the Coronavirus pandemic.

His campaign team said on Wednesday that the former vice president and the Democratic National Committee pulled in a total of $364.5 million, of which $205 million were pledged online from small donors.

The previous record was set by Barack Obama and the DNC in September 2008, when he raised almost $200 million, according to CBS and New York Times reports.

“That figure blows me away,” said the 77-year-old Biden in a statement thanking his supporters.

“Over $205 million, or 57 per cent of the money we raised, came from online donations, from people like you, chipping in $5, $10, $20 at a time,” the candidate added.

Having prepared his re-election campaign since he arrived in the White House in early 2017, 74-year-old President Donald Trump still has a larger overall war chest, but Biden has been drawing in ever-larger sums since winning the Democratic Primary in April.

“We have to keep breaking records if we want to ensure a fighting chance at winning this thing,” Biden urged his supporters.

“Trump’s money machine remains and it’s bolstered by outside, dark money — not grassroots donors like all of you,” Biden said.

“And you better believe they will pour it all into attacks and smears against me, against Kamala, and against our campaign.”

Biden’s pick of California Senator, Kamala Harris as his running mate, making her the woman of colour on a major party presidential ticket, fired up his donor base, raising $26 million in 24 hours, Biden revealed on August 12.

In July, Trump and the Republic National Committee raised $165 million, against $140 million for the Democrats the same month.


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