Terrorism: It’s high time service chiefs get sacked, by Shafa’atu Dauda


One of the responsibilities of any leader especially the one who got elected through the votes of the masses is to ensure that maximum security has been adequately provided to citizens in order to protect them from any harm, internal violence and any other form of external aggression.

And, to achieve this the President as the number one citizen whom the protection of the lives and properties of the citizens lies upon him is the one who will work hand-in-hand with the security service chiefs who were all appointed by him to act in various security sectors so as so help him fight any insurgency or any form of internal or external insecurity threat matter which can bring tension, civil unrest, lawlessness and anarchy that may also turn around to destabilize and destroy the peaceful leaving and the harmonious way of living of the citizens.

The service chiefs appointed by the President have failed to deal decisively with all forms of threats of security to the people which have now become prevalent in the country.

Therefore, gone are the days when people would be sitting from their comfort zones to call upon the government for bringing down this merciless killing of an innocent people which the service chiefs have not demonstratively put the real action into practice toward overcoming this brutal and merciless killing of an innocent people in their farmland, school and residential building which is a clear abuse of human rights due to non-performance of the service chiefs.

People should use all the possible available platforms to call on the government to quickly sack service chiefs in order to bring this sort of merciless killing to an end.

Despite the President expressed his dissatisfaction with the way and manner the service chiefs discharging their duties in which he told them that their ” best is not good enough ” people have concluded that the service chiefs would have been sacked or voluntarily resigned, but unfortunately that has not happened.

Having recalled the time the Service Chiefs got appointed on 13th July 2015, the Chief of Naval Staff, Vice Admiral Ibok-Ete Ibas; the Chief of Air Staff, Air Marshal Sadique Abubakar; the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), General Gabriel Olonisakin; and the Chief of Army Staff, Lt. General Yusuf Buratai, yes their “best is not good enough ” as stated by the President.

Therefore, It’s a now a high time to sack them or replace them because they’re out of ideas, and their appointment should be relieved because there is nothing new any of the service chiefs will do that has not been done/used in five years and this will allow new hands to come and take over with new security professional approaches in tackling the insecurity challenges that are discombobulating the country at this point.


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