US: Electoral College declares Biden as winner of election, Trump sacks Attorney-General


The Electoral College has voted Joe Biden as the President and Indian-origin Senator Kamala Harris as the Vice President of the United States, bringing to an end the legal battle unleashed by incumbent Donald Trump who has been alleging widespread voter fraud in the presidential elections.

The Electoral College formalized his victory over Republican Donald Trump, killing every hope of the Republicans overturning the election results.

Biden, who scored over 270 electoral college votes, will take over the White House on January 20.

Trump however has not conceded the defeat in the elections yet. He filed several unsuccessful lawsuits against election results alleging that there were massive voter fraud and electoral malpractice.

Meanwhile, President Trump has sacked Attorney General Bill Barr after he contradicted his (Trump) claims that the presidential election was marred by fraud.

Trump sought to play down tensions as he announced Barr’s resignation in a tweet on Monday, moments after members of the electoral college officially pushed Joe Biden over the 270-vote threshold to win the White House on Monday. The procedural step effectively ends Trump’s unprecedented bid to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election based on false claims of widespread voter fraud that Barr concluded were meritless.

He announced on Twitter, “Our relationship has been a very good one. Bill will be leaving just before Christmas to spend the holidays with his family.”

Despite the announcement by the Electoral College, President Trump has yet to concede.

Reacting to the development, Biden said, “Democracy prevailed. We the people voted…. The integrity of our elections remains intact.

“Now it is time to turn the page, to unite, to heal. I will be a president for all Americans.”


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