How I made millions after my marriage crashed – Kannywood actress, Maryam Isa Abubakar Ceeter

Maryam Isa Abubakar Ceeter
Maryam Isa Abubakar Ceeter

Three years ago, Maryam Isa Abubakar who is a half-sister to Mansura Isa the famous former Hausa film actress who got married to Sani Musa Danja about ten years ago, got married to her long-time boyfriend in a colourful ceremony in Kano and later moved to Abuja with her groom for a honeymoon. Sources said during their honeymoon in Abuja they stayed in Sani Danja’s house to save cost, in fact, Sani Danja and his wife Mansura Isa our correspondent can report virtually sponsored the wedding.

Maryam Isa Abubakar Ceeter
Maryam Isa Abubakar Ceeter

But the marriage collapsed after eight months, and Maryam Isa quickly returned to Kano and decided to stay indoors and avoid friends and her former colleagues in Kannywood, but after some time she decided to return to acting because according to her she is not the only Kannywood actress that got married and the marriage failed.

Maryam Isa Abubakar Ceeter who to the surprise of many became rich a few months after her marriage crashed, spoke with Neptune prime’s correspondent, Saleh Inuwa on how she made her money and why her marriage lasted for only eight months.

Neptune Prime: Tell us how you became rich a few months after your marriage crashed?

Ceeter: Well, it is from God, when I got married in early 2017 I promised that I will mark the end of my career in Kannywood and I prayed hard for my marriage to be successful but unknown to me the person I married has a hidden agenda, he does not want the marriage to succeed so he started creating problems which I cannot bear so we separated and I returned to my family in Kano, after second thought I decided to register my own company which I named it ISNMOM Nigeria Ltd and so far I employed about seven staff under my chairmanship, I am involved in contracts and other business that is how I made my money, I am also back into acting so far since my return I featured in many films like Dr Halima, Auren ‘Yar fim’, ‘Kawaici’ and Gidan Salim.

NP: What advice will you give to your friends in Kannywood that wants to get married, and is it true that Kannywood girls are cheap all they want is money and once they get married and discovered that the man is not rich they will run away?

Ceeter: God should punish whoever has this notion, we in Kannywood are as descent as any other ladies outside Kannywood I want those that will come here to marry us to fear God, the truth is if they come to us and want us to zip down for them I mean if we refused to have sex with them they will now come up with marriage proposal and after the marriage, if they got what they want they will start creating problems and before you know it they will throw you out of their houses, God is my witness I wanted to make my marriage successful like my sister Mansura Isa who is now married to Sani Danja for 13 years, but as God may have it my marriage crashed and am now back into acting and I made lots of money through my company, am still young and beautiful and the sky is my limit, I will be acting, I will be producing films, I will be helping the poor, I will continue with my contract business and expand my company if along the line I get a serious God fearing person I will get married again.

NP: Now that you are rich people are saying you became arrogant?

Ceeter: Long laughter, you have been interviewing me and you can tell if I changed or not, by the way why should I be arrogant as a lady, and how rich am I that I will look down on people, when I left Kannywood I was popular and when I returned I became more popular that is to tell you I’m not arrogant I respect all those that senior me in and outside Kannywood, but I know how to mind my business that is why people are saying I’m arrogant I don’t talk too much and I have few friends, there are many businesses that women can do apart from acting and when we get married we can assist our husbands when they don’t have, people see us as cheap people or school drop outs, in Kannywood there are people with PHD, Masters Degree, and other qualifications, so government and businessmen should invest in Kannywood because they will get huge profit, yes Kannywood has changed because the world too has change people prefer to see us dress in tight dresses exposing our shapes and that is the only way our films will sold in Millions, the society is full of bad people as long as we are not appearing naked and we are not kissing or hugging on stage what we are doing is legal as such the society should pray for us instead of causing us because we are Muslims and bonafide children from Northern parents who are decent in all respect.

After the interview, Neptune Prime was informed that Maryam Ceeter has silently gotten married for the 3rd time, in fact, she granted this interview as a married woman because she does not want to advertise her 3rd marriage.


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