My marriage failure has nothing to do with Hamisiu Breaker – Kannywood actress, Momee Gombe

Momee Gombe
Momee Gombe

Maimuna Abubakar otherwise known as Momee Gombe for a very long time refused to comment or grant the media any interview over her relationship with first rising star Hamisu Dorayi popularly known in Music World as Hamisu Breaker. According to her, there is nothing to tell the public about her closeness with Hamisu Breaker.

But pressure from members of the public, from her former husband and close associates, have continued to pile on her to at least come out and clarify if it is true that she was having an affair with Hamisu Breaker even when she was still married and when her husband discovered this, he decided to send her packing because Hamisu Breaker is his very close friend.

READ ALSO: I will never disclose why my marriage failed – Kannywood actress, Hafsat Ahmad Idris

Recently, she decided to open up and to Neptune Prime’s correspondent, Saleh Inuwa in an interview about the real issue between her and Hamisu Breaker, how she came to Kannywood, how her marriage broke up and other plans that she is having for her immediate future.

Neptune Prime: To start with, who is Maimuna Abubakar otherwise known as Momee Gombe?

Mommee: I am not interested in a very deep interview that will open an opportunity for other inquisitive reporters to start investigating my past, but I prefer going straight to the reason why I accepted to grant you this interview.

NPOkay, before we hit the nail on the head, let me start with what will appear as a compliment, you are tall, slim, very attractive and easy going, are these some of the reasons you made it easily to stardom?

Mommee: Thank you very much, all that you said are your observations about me but if that is the opinion of the general public about Momee Gombe then I have nothing to say other than to thank my creator for giving me all these qualities.

NPDo you by chance know one Hamisu Dorayi or Hamisu Breaker?

Mommee: I know Hamisu Breaker for a very long time as a family friend, in fact, he is a very close friend to my former husband and when my marriage broke up, he assisted me a lot to join Kannywood and have an easy ride.

NPTo have an easy ride as how, because the notion some people are having within the industry is that you have a passionate desire for him that is why you broke up your marriage so that you and Hamisu Breaker can be in each other’s arms unhindered?

Mommee: This rumour has been there for a very long time, but take it from me, he is my close colleague, close friend if you like, somebody who assisted me for my career to be successful. There are many ladies that will wish to be in my position meaning that they will be happy to displace me in Hamisu Breaker’s mind or project, but we are not lovers, some talked about some romantic pictures we took together, Hamisu Breaker’s music are mostly about love and society as such, we play to the tunes of the music nothing more, nothing else.

NPRecently, one of President Buhari’s daughter Hanan invited Hamisu Breaker to perform during her wedding, and reports have it that she gave him lots of money and a vehicle worth 20 million, that is why some of you are flocking around him for goodies?

Mommee: Well, I am aware he was invited to perform during Hanan’s wedding at the villa, and honestly I am very happy for him because there are senior guys in the music world that made a serious impact before Hamisu, but he was the one invited. The particular music he sang for them at the occasion was the one that featured me and him and it was the one that gave him a breakthrough, of course. I will be immensely happy had it been I was invited alongside him but the truth is that I am still happy for him, about money and vehicle, that is personal to Hamisu Breaker and I don’t have a take in it. Talking about hanging around him because of his recent fortune, I know Hamisu when he was nobody, and I know him or still with him now that he is climbing the stardom so fast, but since you are active in social media, you will notice that I have created a niche for myself, I have a reservoir of friends all over Nigeria and beyond, as such, I am working hard not to be left behind.

NPFinally, if your former husband begged you to return to him now that you are famous and a star, will you go back?

Mommee: Well, it is the desire of every grown-up woman to be happily married, in my own case, it was my former husband who woke up one day and asked me to pack out of his house. In other words, he is the one that rejected me and now that destiny is kind to me, I am having the best of time in my career. I intend to be a producer, singer, fashion designer and later go back to school and pick a degree.


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