Woman bans family from her funeral, organises own obituary with guests list


A woman in Spain had planned how her burial should be after her death, she has even outlined the number and names of people allowed to attend her funeral.

This went viral online after she published her own obituary in the El Progreso newspaper in Lugo, Galicia.

The lady named Maria Paz Fuentes Fernandez, who died on June 2 had earlier banned her family members from attending her funeral

She used her obituary in a newspaper to publish an exclusive guest list for her funeral. Maria mentioned only 15 names, saying they are the only ones allowed to pay her any last respect.

It’s believed that Maria took this step to make sure her family members don’t get close to her after death since they have not shown her much love while she was alive.

She wrote: “Since my family has not been by blood for a long time, I declare in my last will and testament that only the people mentioned below can attend my funeral service, be it at the funeral parlour, church or cemetery.”

She stressed that: “other people who never cared during my life, I want you to carry on living far away from me, just like you were before.”

This rare act of Maria Paz Fuentes Fernandez has received mixed reactions from people online, while others laud her action calling her ‘’brave’’, others sympathise with her, saying she must have been living an unhappy and sad life before her death.


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