Man bludgeons wife to death for refusing him s3x


A man has been arrested for allegedly beating his wife to death over refusal to have s3x with him.

The niece of the dead woman narrated the incident while calling for justice for her mother’s twin sister.

READ ALSO: Man beats wife to death over N2,000 in Edo

According to the niece, the suspect was in the habit of beating his wife. On the 27th of June, the woman, Mrs Ugieki Asemota returned home from a wedding to find her husband drunk. To avoid trouble from her husband, she had a bath and locked herself in a room in order to avoid getting beaten up, which is allegedly her husband’s habit when he’s drunk.

However, late at night, the husband is said to have banged on her door with an axe, demanding for s3x, but she told him to go to his room and leave her alone.

When he wouldn’t leave and she could sense the violence looming, the wife is said to have jumped out of her room through a window.

The husband allegedly went after her and attacked her, hitting her with wood and a block until she bled and fainted.

She was rushed to the hospital but died last week. The husband has since been arrested.


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