Gov. Buni tasks Damaturu market contractors on quality work, speedy completion


Story from Sa’adatu MAINA, Damaturu

Yobe State governor and chairman of APC Caretaker Extraordinary Convention Planning Committee, Mai Mala Buni, has charged the contractors handling the Damaturu Ultra Modern Market project to ensure a speedy pace of work for timely completion of the project.

The governor made the assessment when he visited the Damaturu Ultra Modern Market site in company of his Deputy Idi Barde Gubana and other government functionaries today.

READ ALSO: Gov. Buni urges humanitarian actors to give local contractors preference in project execution

The governor who was not totally satisfied with the level of work mandated the contractors to meet up with the deadline agreed.

“You should work hard to meet up with the December dateline of completion.

“The more the delay, the more the possibility of attracting variation due to rising costs of building materials,” he said.

According to the Governor, the government would not tolerate compromising of standard.

“You should execute this project in accordance with the contractual agreements and specifications” Governor Buni warned.


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