I intend to work hard and be popular – Kannywood actress, Amina Buzuwa

I intend to work hard and be popular - Kannywood actress, Amina Buzuwa

I intend to work hard and be popular – Kannywood actress, Amina Buzuwa

Story from Saleh INUWA, Kano

Amina Abdullahi Buzuwa is from Niger Republic but she was born in Nigeria where her parents presently live. This cute and soft-spoken beauty attended both her primary and secondary education in Kaduna and later joined the entertainment industry and is been managed by the popular Kaduna based entertainment guru, Nura Adam Obi an indigene of Kogi State.

Amina Buzuwa is of the opinion that once a lady is in love with a man, real love for that matter, there is no magic in this world or pressure that will make her change her mind, that is why she composed a song in her newly released video titled “Da Kai Zan Zanna” meaning it is you that I will stay with for life. This actually is a message for parents who in spite of modernity still force their daughters to marry somebody of their choice, meaning the parent’s choice.

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Recently, our correspondent met her in Kaduna and had an exclusive interview with her, where she talked about love, marriage, entertainment, fame, poverty and her plans for the future, including challenges she had to face before she joined Kannywood.

Excerpts of the interview

Neptune Prime: Amina, God created you very pretty, yet you decided to choose entertainment as a profession, why?

Amina: Thank you for the compliment, but I want to tell you also that entertainment is synonymous with beautiful faces. I have been having the desire to be a model, singer or actress for a very long time, and thank God today I am fully into the industry. So far I have produced some videos, I mean my songs and I have scripts from producers and directors by early next year, I will be fully engaged in acting by the grace of God. But everything depends on my manager Nura Adam Obi who made it possible for me to be in the entertainment industry and hopefully by next year, I intend to work hard and be popular.

NP: Looking at you, you are more of a marriage material than being a model or entertainer, because people believe that the entertainment industry is full of moral corruption?

Amina: You see at times, some people will see us on the street and call us all sorts of names including prostitutes, but if you are an insider, I mean if you are a member of the industry, you will discover that such things are very minimal. See my manager is a young successful man by all standards but I can tell you in spite of all he did for me to be in Kannywood, he has never asked me for a date or to zip down for him. We have people who are strictly professionals here because we are here to educate society about how to live a decent life, we cannot afford therefore to be corrupt ambassadors of the industry.

NP: Tell us some of your songs or videos that are in the market and how successful are they?

Amina: Honestly, they are many but the one that stood out is “Da kai zan zanna” meaning it is with you that I will stay for life, what I tried to educate people about in that song is for parents to know that the era of forced marriage has passed and that song has attracted lots of attention for me including fortune. Already, we are negotiating with some producers for them to use my lyrics for their films or adopt the whole song and shoot a film based on the message.

NP: Have you ever fallen in love, and how painful is it falling out of love?

Amina: You just described me as a beautiful lady as such, I know what love is all about and falling out of it is like committing suicide. Once a lady says yes to a man, one will be wasting his time in trying to change her mind, because love is something that is not visible, but it lives in the human soul. Once I decided to love a man, then it becomes my life, my blood, the breath I take and I can go to any length to prove to him that my love is not the type that normally fades.

NP: Can you marry from Kannywood and if your manager Nura Adam Obi proposed to you, what will be your answer?

Amina: Long pause, well, it depends, but as I told you before, my manager does not combine business with pleasure, we are purely artists that he assembles, he teaches us about songs, dance, acting skills and the rest. If I am correct, he is happily married and I don’t think he has time to play around.

NP: Did you encounter any objections from your parents when you wanted to join the industry?

Amina: The answer is yes and no, I was able to convince them that Kannywood is where somebody can go in and make good money, you can compose a song release it and make good money or you can be an actress after featuring in a film, you collect your pay and go home. Honestly, I admired the acting skills of Jamila Nagudu, this is because she is so versatile that she can act any role given to her perfectly. Similarly, I like watching Ali Nuhu, Sadiq Sani Sadiq, Adam A. Zango, Umar Shariff, Abdul Shariff, Fati Washa, Maryam Yahaya, Rahama Sadau, Hadiza Gabon and host of others too numerous to mention.

NP: How do you feel when people stop you on the street and asked for your number?

Amina: If you stopped me on the road and asked me my number because you admire me as a singer, I will definitely give you my number. If you stopped me to ask for a date meaning to take me out, I will tell you I forgot my number or I will tell you to ask my manager Nura Adam Obi to give you my number. I told you earlier, we are not as cheap as people think. We are in a profession that is as decent as any other profession, name it, law, journalism, banking, teaching, modelling, etc so people should see us in a positive light, and not as school dropouts that only take to smoking and drinking as a hobby. Wallahi I don’t take even kola nut, I am as pure as Faro Water, I hope you will not charge me for advertising Faro Water owned by former Vice President, Atiku Abubakar.


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