Kuwait’s al-Ghais takes over from Nigeria’s Barkindo as OPEC gets new Secretary-General


Kuwait’s al-Ghais takes over from Nigeria’s Barkindo as OPEC gets new Secretary-General

Story from Abah ADAH, Abuja

The Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), has voted to appoint Haitham al-Ghais, former Kuwait’s OPEC governor as its new secretary-general.

He will replace Sanusi Barkindo, a Nigerian representative at OPEC, who has, for years, held sway as the scribe of the cartel.

Platforms Africa reports that in a congratulatory letter Mohammad Barkindo, the secretary general, said he believes the global oil market is in very capable hands with the appointment.

In the letter announcing Kuwait’s al-Ghais as OPEC Secretary General, Barkindo said,
“From my time working collaboratively with you as Kuwait’s OPEC Governor, I know you have a great understanding of the organs and internal workings of the organisation.

This will stand you in good stead and will be a great knowledge platform for when you assume the Secretary-General’s responsibilities.

However, I personally recall the challenges of those first few months and the
benefits of advice and guidance I accrued from previous Secretaries General, as
well as past and active Ministers, and with this in mind, I stand ready to be of any
help to you as and when necessary,” he said.


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