Youth political participation in Nigeria, by Comrade Auwal Gombe

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Youth political participation in Nigeria, by Comrade Auwal Gombe

Young people are less visible and less included in newer democratic governments compared to mature democratic systems. This mirrors the poor manifestation of citizenship engagement in post-military populations, wherein it is unclear whether the purpose for non-participation stems from the basic political, socio-economic modifications caused by democratisation or whether it is an underlying contrast with the patterns of young people’s engagement observed in standard democratic systems. This needs to be clarified so that decision makers can respond to the necessities of youths in a newer democratic government system.

Citizenship participation in politics is a significant element of democratic governance all over the world including Nigeria. Quite a number of reasons could be deduced for why many Nigerian citizens, particularly the youths hardly participate in politics or engage in governance related activities.

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One of the key reasons why youths participate in politics is to be able to change the structure of leadership and governance. Obsessed by the leadership styles of past leaders which do not impact positively on the lives of common people on the streets of Nigeria and the continued existence of poverty amidst plenty, the marginalization of some parts of the country and the inequitable distribution
of resources, some Nigerian youths participate in politics in order to change this structure and to herald effective political leadership and developments especially in some states where young people get restricted into some political offices.

Another key key reason for youths involvement in politics is to influence government policies and programmes, because civil society organisations have forced government to be up and doing in socio-political issues, this has affect the socio-economic lives of Nigerians. For instance, the agitation by Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) for minimum wage review and whistle-blowing action by SERAP have forced government to review workers salaries and recovered stolen funds. The revolution we have now was equally a conscious expression by youths to alert the government about the failures of its socio-economic policies and the need to have an inclusive governance, capable of affecting peoples’ life and inspire young people to participate in politics that will bring stable changes in Nigeria.

Some youths participate in politics to solicit for leadership roles and representation, they venture into this highly important game to be given position of leadership, be it through contesting and vying for political offices or being appointed into these political offices. The-Not-Too-Young-To-Run movement is a welcomed development as it affords youth the right to contest election into political offices they were excluded of by virtue of age limitations. The movement allowed youths to contest and participate based on transparency and accountability, as a result of the movement many youths have contested and won elections, while many others are doing well in their political roles. These achievements also motivate other youths in different part of the country with aspirations of bringing about rapid changes to the system.

Youths in Nigeria also engage in politics to foster political socialisation. Youths involvements in politics is not only because of economic gains, but for socio-psychological reasons. Some of these youths are very charismatic and renowned by politicians. This gives them an advantage to bring about rapid changes in various communities they represent. Youths engagement in politics will help youths to reduce the level of unemployment, make them to be meaningfully engaged and reduce poverty among them. A chance to fully participate in decision-making process is another important reason to encourage youths participation, youths should be in political offices to protect the interest of youths and bring developments, create job opportunities to young people.

Youths in younger ages have mission and vision capable of bringing great changes to the society. As a result of global system, many young minds have the capacity and knowledge to develop the digital economic sector, this will eradicate poverty among Nigerians, especially among young people. Young people nowadays are actively involved in technology and the digital economic system to find solution for themselves. If given the chance, these youthful minds can create many opportunities in Nigeria.

In conclusion, young people play vital roles in ensuring that they bring change to their society. They can do this by political participation through the formulation of political parties, vying for political offices as well as voting for others who contest elective positions. However, political engagements depend on the socio-economic and political climate with which politics is played. In Nigeria, politics is expensive, and majority of the youths are poor. Quite a
number of them are hostile due to the culture of violence which has characterised the system over the years.

Equally, the dominance of the ruling and political class whom are often re-cycled have all affected youth
political engagements in Nigeria, the aged always want to remain in power without allowing the young ones try their best. And even if they are allowed, they control them directly or indirectly, because in some scenarios the aged purchase forms and campaign for them. This same circle that has been routed for years is killing our democratic system in Nigeria.

Some recommendations that will ensure that Nigerian youths participate fully in politics involves the provision of adequate security of lives and property as the Nigerian political space is not safe. Also de-monetization of politics through vote buying and exorbitant sales of forms, since politics is very expensive in the country, such that an indigent, yet educated youth cannot afford the financial requirements to contest elections in Nigeria except when sponsored.

Digitalisation of some electoral processes like voting, the need to introduce electronic voting into the electoral process no matter the cost is imperative. Another one is constitutional reforms, for instance, the need to review political positions are necessary. Reviewing qualifications and ages for political offices while putting the youth into consideration is also important. The appointments of qualified youths into various political positions is another way out.

Comrade Auwal writes from Gombe State.



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