Applying Islamic model to curtail extravagant weddings hallmark of Dr Hassan Gimba’s legacy, by Haruna Yusuf


Nikah (Marriage) is the noblest Sunnah adviced by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PB.U.H.) during his life time. As believers in the words of Allh and followers of the teachings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, we are obliged to follow his actions and words. He conveyed to all believers that Nikah is that Sunnah which brings a believer closer to Imaan, hence it should be fulfilled with the most simplicity and performed without pomp and extravaganza.

The Groom Ibrahim Usmam and the Bridegroom Hauwa’u Idris Gimba

He also said, “When someone with whose religion and character you are satisfied asks to marry your daughter, comply with his request. If you do not do so, there will be corruption and great evil on earth”.

It was in compliance to this that the Publisher of Neptune Prime Newspaper, Dr Hassan Gimba, conducted the wedding of his daughter in his office on 23 June 2022.

When addressing the groom’s representatives, he said,” I made it easy for you because Islam encourages us to do so and I also consider the insecurity challenges that bedevil the Nation and do not want to expose any of you to the hazards of traveling by road “.

The clerics

In attendance were the officiating clerics, Dr Ahmad Kutubi (SP), Chief Imam of Nigeria Police Force with his co-officiator, Sheikh Alhassan Sa’id Ningi and the groom’s representative Bashir Abubakar, who expressed his appreciation by saying ” On behalf of the family I thank you for making it easy for us”.

Groom and Bride

The groom, Ibrahim Usman, who is currently schooling and working in America, was also represented by some of his friends.


The marriage was conducted in accordance with Islamic rite and the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand 150,000 naira was offered as dowry. The couple were advised to uphold Islamic teachings in their marital life, as this would assure them paradise.



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