Kano records 140 cases of Gender Based Violence in June


Kano records 140 cases of Gender Based Violence in June

Story from Shafa’atu DAUDA, Kano

About 140 cases of Gender Based Violence (GBV) were reported with some involving minors in Kano State in the month of June 2022.

This was revealed by the Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD) an NGO in the state while addressing journalists during a monthly press briefing on the GBV situation.

The CITAD’s project coordinator, Zainab Aminu said GBV had significantly increased in June compared to the reported cases in May.

“In comparison with the data obtained in previous months, GBV cases are still on the increase. 140 cases were reported via our GBV App for the month which includes rape, sexual harassment, online harassment, sexual abuse and wife battering.”

READ ALSO: Kano: Police records 42 rape cases in 5 months

She expressed happiness over the increased rate of reportage, describing the development as encouraging.

Aminu lamented the increase of GBV cases in Kano, calling on relevant stakeholders to join hands to curtail the scourge.

According to her, the GBV offenders’ database adopted recently by the government will go a long way in curbing the menace, as offenders will rather desist from the act than be publicly disgraced.

Aminu explained that within the period in review, cases of rape were 7, online harassment 22; sexual blackmail 8; sexual harassment 60; sexual abuse 39; wife battering 3 and school violence 1.

“As part of our social responsibility, we would continue to advocate and improve awareness against GBV, but we still urge the citizens to take responsibility in their environment to see that these issues are curbed.”

Aminu appealed to parents, relatives and other key stakeholders to always report cases to the various agencies handling GBV cases, stressing that keeping silent will not protect the victims.

She also called on the government to establish a Gender Abuse Monitoring Unit in the Ministry of Education and its parastatal responsible for education at different levels and in the schools.

Aminu further stressed the need for establishing special courts that will adjudicate GBV cases.


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