Bandits’ clash with security agencies in Kaduna leaves 17 dead

Suspected ESN/IPOB gunmen in Imo fatally shoot retired police officer, wife

Bandits’ clash with security agencies in Kaduna leaves 17 dead

At least 17 people have been killed by bandits who raided a community in Southern Kaduna on Saturday night and Sunday afternoon.

A resident of the area who pleaded for anonymity told newsmen on Sunday that among those killed were a police officer and 10 other residents.

“A police officer and 10 others were killed on Saturday night when the confusion started earlier in the afternoon between security operatives and a Fulani man at a checkpoint in Ungwan Wakili.

“First, a Fulani man and the police were shot and killed at the checkpoint. The situation became worse in the evening when some fishermen were attacked and one was allegedly hacked to death.”

“A dusk-to-dawn curfew was imposed on the troubled communities, Ungwan Juju, Mabuhu, Ungwan Wakili, and Zango Urban. Angwan Wakili, Angwan Juju, and Mabuhu communities in Atyap chiefdom said the source.

“Yesterday, 11th March 2023 at about 4:45 pm, I got informed that the security personnel at a checkpoint in Angwan Wakili tried to stop some Fulani men who were on motorcycle, but they tried to pick a fight with the mobile police officers. One of the officers was hit with a stick by the Fulani and the officer shot one of them in his leg.

” In retaliation, the Fulani also shot one of the officers who was quickly rushed to the hospital.”

“The Fulani regrouped and returned to the checkpoint at about 10 pm and opened fire on the security personnel. But by this time, it was the military that was at the checking point exchanging fire.”

“All in all 17 corpses were recovered, while the injured ones were taken to the hospital.

Reacting to the development, while confirming the attack, the police assured that all culprits involved in the fresh Southern Kaduna killings would be severely dealt with in accordance with the law

The command’s image maker, Muhammad Jalige, said it was true the gunmen attacked the Southern Kaduna Community in the early hours of Sunday morning, but the security forces are on top of the situation,”.

”From the briefing I received from the Area Commander, trouble started a couple of days ago, when a boy rearing cattle was murdered. We have been trying to manage the situation while investigating the sad occurrence before trouble broke out.”

“A joint security team will be combing the bushes in the area Sunday afternoon to search for bodies if there are any. They will also apprehend the suspects responsible for the killings.”

“We are on top of the situation and all the hoodlums responsible would be rounded up.”

“But for the timely intervention of joint security personnel coordinated by the Area Commander, the terrorists would have had a field day. Repelling the hoodlums was a tedious task for our security agencies, but they were successful as the terrorists scampered away from the scene,” he said.


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