Many Americans want Russia to prevail – But why? by Christopher Maffei


Many Americans want Russia to prevail – But why? by Christopher Maffei

Many Americans, perceive Russia as fighting the very forces that make the average person’s life unbearable and a living hell in the United States.

And much like the relief of the average Roman when the Visigoths came over the seventh hill to sack Rome in the summer of 410. Many Americans see Russia as fighting to bring down Washington and the madness that permeates the halls of Congress. But, instead of Romans, we have representatives in Washington and local government bureaucracies that are ruthlessly squeezing the life out of the average American.

Many Americans have come to the realization that there is no future or hope for a better life in their country.

In fact, many young Americans have succumbed to the bitter reality that they will never be able to buy a home, buy furnishings, start a family, (or) simply afford healthcare.

Sadly, American parents have watched helplessly, as their children’s aspirations spiral down the drain into hopelessness. As a consequence, many young Americans have turned to synthetic heroin to escape the collapsing society around them.

In other words, kids have no stake within their society and these citizens end up falling prey to the predatory forces within local governments that have an interest in seeing their citizens fail. Local governments that are beholden to corporate forces. In fact, the more society fails in America the more money is given to government to fix the very social problems they have created.

This is where the social and institutional bonds have been broken. And trust within the American government has broken down.

The United States is in a deep crisis. Much worse than what is generally known, and the system of monetization is coming to an end. And soon, the luxury of papering over structuralized failures (for profit) will be in the dustbin of American history.

Unsurprisingly, many Americans see Russia as ‘The enemy of my enemy is my friend.’

Many in congress view the American people as the enemy. And many in the American bureaucracies have the same feelings as congress. But why? In Congress, the representatives want to simply collect money from their special interests — and populism is a hindrance to their legalized stealing. Whereas, the bureaucracies want America to stay static so they can collect their free healthcare and pensions without changes.

Currently, there is a catastrophic breakdown of trust between the political classes and the people. Adding to this, the welfare state’s iron grip on the perceptions of reality is starting to crack.

And due to the congressional support for special interest and the resulting policies that bankrupted American treasuries. Many are starting to see large swathes of the American people living in putrid squalor. Many middle-class Americans are witnessing an explosion in homelessness that has completely dwarfed the Rwandan Refugee crisis in aggregate.

READ ALSO: Is America fast loosing its moral compass?, by Osmund Agbo

This is forcing internal emigrations from California to Texas (or) New York to Florida. Most are fleeing the collapsing cities and dangerous conditions. Many Americans are coming to realize that even if they settle in a different State, hyperinflation, and homelessness follow their families wherever they go. Many have given up completely, fleeing the United States altogether and becoming economic refugees — simply disappearing into the global community.

Not only is the American political class indifferent to the American peoples suffering. Congress is starting to define the working class poor as “Enemies of the State” and threats to “National Security”. The question becomes how can a society like this move forward with a healthy positive outlook? Where people can believe they have a stake in their community and where the social bonds have not been broken? Many Americans have come to the conclusion — and for good reason — that American politicians do not care, and so…

Russia to the American Peoples Rescue

Many suffering Americans see hope in their own lives when they see Russia and China thumbing their nose at Washington’s threats and sanctions. It actually gives the American people hope that there is light at the end of their long dark tunnel. Americans are a sanctioned people and many can sympathize with Russia. Especially when they can see their loved ones fall into drug addiction and despair.

In fact, many of the American working-class poor suffer at the hands of a brutal and indifferent police force that guns down people in cold blood. Metaphorically, when Russia and China ignore Washington; this act gives hope to a (deeply confused) citizenry that the omnipotent state is not all-powerful and that it can be defied and challenged.

In other words, the American government is treating the American people as an Insurgency. To meet that end, we know from the Hamilton 68 and the Twitter files revelations. The basic right to freedom of speech has been suppressed and the elections have been manipulated by the FBI.

The mainstream press refuses to address this crime and the FBI refuses to denounce their actions.

However, here comes Russian media to the rescue, much like an (inverted) Radio Free America transmitting into the old Soviet Bloc. In many ways, in a bizarre reversal, the only place where you can get the truth in America nowadays is in the Russian media, as Matt Taibbi has grimly alluded to.

My friend Matt is not the only mainstream Journalist jumping off the DHS Titanic.

Both Jeff Gerth and Seymour Hersh have written bone-crushing pieces that have come down on The New York Times and mainstream media like a wife on payday. Winners of the Pulitzer, Both Jeff and Seymour have utterly destroyed mainstream Journalism in the United States. An event where thousands and thousands of headlines were generated under fraudulent sources

An event in the industry that is unrecoverable and is the oblivion of the stenographers in Washington.

Russia and the American People

What many don’t understand about the United States and its system — it thrives off destruction. From both a foreign policy perspective and all the way down to the local levels. Washington’s only objective is to destroy, divide and create havoc. In this way, Washington can more easily control a country if it is barely functioning and divided.

And for many, this may sound familiar.

That is the Afghanistization of the United States. To meet this end America is being forcibly reverted back to its conditions prior to industrialization. As the thinking goes, the more Americans are forced into hellish conditions the more people turn to the institutions for assistance. A strategy that is failing miserably. This is not surprising, after all, we have a saying in Foreign Policy circles:

It’s the “American Curse” — everything the United States touches dies and turns to dust.

This is where the American (people) and Russia’s interests are linked. Both are fighting the same evil for almost the same reasons. On the one hand, Washington’s strategy is to divide Russia territorially and politically, and on the other Washington wants to destroy and divide the American family through predatory economics and social fragmentation.

That is precisely why the United States Courts have been weaponized against the American people under the cloak of law. Where if you add up the sum total of the legal rulings globally, there would be a 110% conviction rate in the United States, and anyone and everything is guilty of conspiracy under American Law.

Lets not have any illusions, the American justice system has a very dubious history. It was used to enforce segregation and legitimize the reign of terror against people of African American descent. It persecuted Americans during McCarthyism and After September 11th, 2001, it went after Muslims with special administrative measures or SAMs. Now SAMs are used by the American courts for everything.

This undermines any meaningful right to a fair trial and the conviction rate is indisputable proof of that assertion. We can never forget the underlying foundation of the American courts is to be funded through debt monetization — and this obscene system is coming to an end.

Make no mistake, the War on the Caspian steppe is bringing this entire upside-down reality to its final conclusion.

The American Apocalypse

To have economic and military dominance over the world you need to meet this prerequisite:

“ energy access rivals military might as a source of national power. According to Geopolitical theory, global dominance is a function of gaining dominance over the Eurasian landmass, and gaining influence in Central Asia is a key step towards attaining this objective.”

When the United States was defeated in Afghanistan — that ended the world reserve currency status that was the hallmark of American power.

Now, Russia and China has supplanted the United States. This day can be marked Aug 30, 2021. From this moment forward, North America has been relegated to a minor power.

The final nail in the American hegemonic coffin is the War on the Caspian steppe. It separates Russia from the collapsing American system and at the same time delegitimizes the American Military by keeping the whole conflict below the nuclear threshold. Simply demonstrating the helplessness of NATO and its inability to stop the Russian Special Military Operation.

There is no way for the Western media to conceal the fact; that if the United States could defeat Russia both politically, economically, and militarily it would have been done already.

Meaning the United States is simply managing its decline from the world stage. The United States needs to have economic and military dominance over the world to exist in its current form. Otherwise, it cannot monetize the funding that it needs.

In all honesty, Russia does not care if it’s helping the American people or not. However, that is precisely what is happening. Regardless, the Jackals in Washington would rather get all their teeth pulled than pass any laws that would help working-class Americans…

…As we know from the 2014 Princeton Study.

To the Senate, the average American person is simply an object to be exploited, just as Russia was exploited in the 1990s under the Clinton regime. If the American people resist their exploitation, they are treated as the enemy. Just as Russia was treated as the enemy for resisting their exploitation in the 1990s and the early 2000s.

Anyway, the argument is meaningless…