Taraba State gubernatorial election and the real questions, by Abdulrazak Iliyasu Sansani


Taraba State gubernatorial election and the real questions, by Abdulrazak Iliyasu Sansani

Gubernatorial election is going to take place on 18th March, 2023 after the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) rescheduled it. The governorship election in Taraba State is one of the most polarised in Nigeria. It is the time grave issues, mildly important ones, and even petty issues are on the front burner: all in a bid to win the highly coveted seat of the governor of Taraba State, whose influence is second to none in the state. In the exceptional case, it is second to any person, the person might have probably employed the powers of the governor or rather work with the governor to make it so.

Governors all over Nigeria are overly powerful despite they have always expressed their concerns on police and other security agencies not being under their jurisdiction, which I believe is worthy of consideration. Although It will amount to a waste of time and space, if I expound on that here. As it is glaring, Taraba is not an exception, though the magnitude of the influence of governors depend on so many factors from state to state. In this piece, I will make an effort to dissect the governorship contest or rather tussle in the case of Taraba State. It is literally a tussle as Tarabans, who the vast majority of them are sharply divided on the candidates they support in the said election, have made it appear to be so.

For decades religion or aptly the manipulation of it for political gains, has been one of the major criteria in deciding who gets what and when in many states in Nigeria. Taraba State is one of the states, where this is most pronounced. Here day by day we see merit, justice, and good governance being just words in books because of prioritising the opposites of all these words.

Writing about Taraba State in an election year and few days to election speaks of the height of adventure and a major sin for those Tarabans that are hell bent on maintaining the status quo. I understand how people receive information and digest it when their biased. Therefore, putting this piece forward may not be comprehended by many Tarabans who may likely read it. However, I will do it not merely to be understood but rather as my sincere contribution towards the development of my dear state in particular and Nigeria in general.

I do not write to overheat the polity I can never ever do that by God’s grace. But Tarabans must be cautious and accept the fact that God has great reasons for making us all to be Tarabans. It is left for us to accept one another or continue to see the consequences of our failure to do that. What Taraba needs is good leadership regardless of whom offers it.

In the forthcoming election, every electorate must likely has his or her preferred candidate. As a Taraban I have mine too, I believe just as me you have your reasons for preferring the said candidate in the midst of so many constitutionally qualified candidates. Since the creation of the state on 27 August, 1991 the state has held seven elections that have produced three governors namely: Reverend Jolly Tavorro Nyame; 1999 and 2003, Pharmacist Danbaba Danfulanin Suntai 2007 and 2011, and Architect Darius Dickson Ishaku 2015 and 2019. All these leaders have played their parts whether good or bad. Tarabans know which administration was most inclusive, fairest, and built the most essential infrastructure in the state. Thus, herein is not an appraisal of the tenure of the three administration but a frank attempt to affirm the ephemeral nature of political leadership and the significant place of our living together whether in peace or in pieces, which the latter comes with huge price for our beloved state, this I don’t pray wish for my state.

I am a Taraban who has lived most of my life in this state. I know how accommodating our people are when you interact with the patriotic ones. When I weep for my state, I remember the reassuring examples of what we can do with the right people in position of leadership, I smile: We will have a viable economy, a world class education sector, a wonderful health sector, A topnotch agricultural sector, spectacular tourism sector, a modern infrastructure that meets the needs of our time, among other important reforms in vital sectors. It may not be immediate but let us start the process by voting for the right leadership on Saturday.

It may not matter to you what your choice is capable of producing but you must not blindly vote anyone, if you truly seek a better Taraba that works for all. Before casting your vote: spare your time to think deeply about what is at stake and ask yourself these questions: Who am I voting? Why am I voting for this candidate? What is his antecedents? How is the state today? Is the candidate the right man for the job? What makes him so? Do I want development or merely want to follow my kinsman or someone who worships God the way I do? Have I done this for any position prior to this? What was the result? Do I want my state to prosper or otherwise? What does development mean to me? What is injustice to me? Is it when it only affects me? What do I call that which involves others? What does it take to bring development? Are we on right track? What is my contribution towards it?

I leave you with the these poignant questions and their answers in the comfort of your room in Ussa, or in the bright Jalingo sun, you can respond to them under the baobab tree in Kufai, you are allowed to do so in Jen; in zing you can also have a say in what the future of your state will look like, on the breathtaking Mambila Plateau you can help to plan the future of your children. In a nutshell, wherever you are as a Taraban, you can decide but please be thoughtful.

Abdulrazak Iliyasu Sansani writes from Turaki B, Jalingo, Taraba State.


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