Strange twist as UK couple plot to murder each other through same witchdoctor (Video)


Strange twist as UK couple plot to murder each other through same witchdoctor (Video)

A UK-based couple has admitted to separately seeking the services of the same witchdoctor to kill each other.

The husband, identified as Baba Gamu, initially visited the witchdoctor to request the death of his wife.

He defended his actions during a family gathering by claiming that he had been informed by prophets about his wife’s alleged use of black magic or “juju” against him.

He further stated that his wife had even expelled him from their shared residence.

The shocking twist in this disturbing tale came to light when the family discovered that the witchdoctor, who was entrusted with the task of eliminating Baba Gamu’s wife, had acquired her contact information and photographs.

The witchdoctor subsequently contacted the wife, known as Mai Gamu, and revealed her husband’s intentions to murder her.

Strangely, Mai Gamu and the witchdoctor concocted a plan to have Baba Gamu eliminated instead.

Watch the video below:



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