Viral Muslim lady issues heartfelt apology for dressing immodestly, seeks forgiveness from Muslim community (Video)


Viral Muslim lady issues heartfelt apology for dressing immodestly, seeks forgiveness from Muslim community (Video)

A viral video has recently emerged featuring a Muslim lady who gained attention a few days ago for her choice of attire while reciting the Qur’an during a brief street interview.

The lady, identified as Sofiat Olamide from Ilorin, Kwara State, has expressed her sincerest apologies.

“I would like to take this opportunity to apologize sincerely for my inappropriate dressing in that viral video. I humbly request the forgiveness of the entire Muslim community, as I am still a young girl who made a mistake,” Sofiat Olamide expressed remorsefully.

Further explaining the circumstances surrounding the incident, Sofiat Olamide clarified, “During the day of the interview, I was sitting in front of my house when a content creator approached me. I had no idea that the video would go viral as it did. He suggested we create the video for the sake of amusement.”

Concluding her message, Sofiat Olamide expressed her gratitude and requested assistance in thanking Baba Kajue, who played a significant role in shielding her from shame. She concluded with a heartfelt prayer, saying, “May Almighty God bless him and bless each and every one of us.”

Watch the video below:


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