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Emir of Bauchi leads special prayers for rainfall to bless Bauchi State


Emir of Bauchi leads special prayers for rainfall to bless Bauchi State

Story from Ahmad SAKA, Bauchi

The Emir of Bauchi, Alhaji Rilwanu Sulaiman Adamu, led hundreds of Muslims to the Bauchi Central Eid prayer grounds for special prayers requesting rainfall in the State.

The prayers took place today in Bauchi, where people gathered to beseech Allah for blessings of rain upon Bauchi Emirate and the entire country.

Speaking at the end of the prayers, Emir Rilwanu called on the people of Bauchi Emirate to avoid wickedness, envy, and covetousness, which may displease the Almighty Allah and lead to His punishments upon the citizens.

He said, “We must shun all forms of evil so that our society may witness the blessings of Almighty Allah.”

The Emir emphasized the paramount importance of living in peace with one another, stating that maintaining peace is not solely an individual’s responsibility but the duty of every citizen. Peace is the path to growth and prosperity in our society.

“If we lack peace and harmony among ourselves, the Almighty Allah will withhold His blessings, including rain and other prosperity. However, when peace and harmony prevail, things will run smoothly without delay, and it will deter those who seek to disrupt the peace,” he added.

The Emir expressed gratitude to the Almighty Allah for preserving lives and promoting peaceful coexistence among the citizens of the Emirate and society at large. He urged all the good people of Bauchi to continue praying for rain and blessings from the Almighty Allah.

Similarly, the leadership of JIBWIS Islamic sect in Bauchi State led all its members across the State in special prayers for rain on Tuesday, 18th July 2023.

The Leader of the JIBWIS in the State, Barrister Garba Hassan, directed all leaders in the Local Government Areas (LGAs) to mobilize their members for the prayers due to the prevailing situation of inadequate rain across the State.

Hassan lamented that crops and other plants were withering due to the lack of sufficient rain, and he stressed that divine intervention was needed to prevent famine in the state at the end of the season.

Effective from Tuesday, 18/7/2023, the special prayers commenced at the Juma’a mosque in Gwallaga, Bauchi, starting at 8:00 am, and similar prayers were held at every Izalah Eid ground across the state capital.

Prayers were also conducted in the LGAs of the Izala sect at designated Eid grounds across the state, seeking divine intervention for continuous rainfall. Hassan directed that prayers would continue until the objectives were met.

The JIBWIS Social Media, Bauchi State Directorate, expressed hope that people of the state would join in the special prayers, as it was for the benefit of all, irrespective of sect.

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