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China introduces Yoruba language studies, publishes first textbook


China introduces Yoruba language studies, publishes first textbook

China has embarked on a venture to study the Yoruba language and has recently produced its first Yoruba textbook titled ‘Ede Yoruba.’

This significant development comes as China delves into the study of the Nigerian language, recognizing the prominence of Yoruba, Hausa, and Igbo, which are the three largest ethnic groups in Nigeria.

Goke Alamu, a professor from Ekiti State University (EKSU), shared in a statement on Thursday that he was invited to China in 2020 to teach the Yoruba language. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, he was unable to travel.

Nevertheless, he initiated online classes, collaborating with three professors from the United States to instruct students at Beijing Foreign Studies University in China.

Following government approval, the first Yoruba textbook for students in China has been published, marking a significant milestone.

Professor Alamu expressed his delight, stating, “Just produced in China. I am very happy because this is the first Yoruba textbook in China.”

He further explained, “In 2020, during the COVID-19 crisis, I was contacted by Beijing Foreign Studies University to establish a Yoruba program for them. Although I could have been in China since then, I was prevented by the lockdown. Consequently, I commenced online teaching for their students, having developed the syllabus and obtained the necessary approval.”

He continued, “Subsequently, the university obtained government approval, and a publishing company was authorized to publish the first Yoruba textbook for students. I collaborated with three professors who had previously studied the language in the US. This achievement is the result of our collective efforts over three years. In September, I will be traveling to China to test-run the book.”

Professor Alamu also shared his plans for continuity, stating, “I have two students from the University of Ibadan who have been undergoing training under me for two years online. They will eventually take over from me. They are currently here with me to immerse themselves in our culture and enhance their proficiency.”

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