How unexpected pictures changed the life of 3-year-old girl to greatness

Gov. Buni, Maj.Gen. MLD Saraso, Adamu Zakaria, and others

How unexpected pictures changed the life of 3-year-old girl to greatness

Her name is Lethukhanya Mjaja, a three years old girl that was sent to buy bread. Her uncle who is a commercial photographer, saw her playing in muddy water with the bread in her hand. He took some photos of her and posted them online.

The pictures went viral and became the talk of South Africa’s social media space, she caught the attention of the company that produces the bread. They decided to use the picture on their billboards and delivery trucks. This increased their sales massively, so they decided to reward the little girl in cash and kind.

From playing in a childlike, carefree manner in the mud, this little girl became the face of one of SA’s leading bread brands. From going on an errand to buy bread for the family, she brought the bread company home and has become a breadwinner.

Her story reminds me of our own Jumoke the bread seller. She was photographed albeit accidentally, carrying bread. Today, she graces our tv screens. She is hardly recognisable because her story has changed.

Whenever l watch her in the Amstel Malta ‘My time is now’ commercial, l see the real definition of when grace speaks for someone.

There is this thing about “time and chance.” We never know when it will happen but when it happens, there is no stopping the flow. Lethukhanya and Jumoke were just doing their own thing and grace found them at the time it was meant to find them.

For LungJisNi Mjaji, Lethukhanya’s uncle, l don’t see his career remaining the same again. I won’t be shocked if he becomes the official photographer for many brands in SA. He was just being himself, doing something he enjoys doing.

Little did he know that the pictures he took of his 3-year-old niece, would catapult him to fame as well. The story of his niece is not told without mentioning his name.

What are you doing? Do it well. Do it joyfully. When it is your time, grace will find you. May grace find us all.



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