Believe it or not: Change is inescapable! By Vivian DANIEL

Believe it or not: Change is inescapable! By Vivian DANIEL

Believe it or not: Change is inescapable! By Vivian DANIEL

For someone who is barely surviving, who probably has gone through schools and is yet to secure the ideal job opportunity along with living the ideal life he or she desires; for a country where it seems like anything and everything goes; for a family who finds it difficult to tend to their loved ones, meet their needs; organisations who hardly record major results or achievements etc., it is possible the title of this piece would not mean much to either of you.

Notwithstanding, there is no denial in the fact that at some point things would not remain the way it has been. They would transform either for the good, better, or best and at some point for the worse. When such moments arrive, it would always leave you to wonder and say lines like “How did it happen”; “I never saw it coming”…

However, you must take into cognizance that no change of any kind ever leaves you the same way. It either makes, mars you or gives you an irreversible scar. Every change that occurs in any aspect of one’s life comes in distinct ways along with their effects. And, some of these notable changes one would experience in a lifetime are as follows:

Change in a woman’s body:

Every woman would undergo certain changes in their body at various stages as we transition in life. From adolescence, teenage and adulthood. In the same vein, you would have certain changes for those who leaves singlehood to become married women, while getting pregnant and giving birth and also at your old age. These sort of changes is inevitable along with their intricacies or the good part of it. And, no matter what you do in life, you would most definitely pass through these changes one way or another.

READ ALSO: Before you ‘japa’…!, by Vivian Daniel

Change that comes with your lifestyle:

Truthfully, when you choose to live your life in a certain way, deliberately or by sheer happenstance, you would encounter major shifts. For instance, if you have chosen to live a wayward life, you would equally be ready to live up to the consequences of your decision and vice versa. And, sometimes, it would be a one-of-event that leaves with certain #memories and lifetime #lessons

For me, when I got pregnant by a certain dear friend who declined to be responsible for it, even though I carried the pregnancy for about 5 months already and ended up having a terrible miscarriage in the end…I mean, I was going to bleed to death but thank God ? @Helen Iwobi and her husband arrived at the right time to take me to the hospital.
I would, for the rest of my life, see that singular incident as one that brought so much change in my entire life – how I live my life, relate with #male #friends et al, as I went through all sorts of emotions and sometimes I still wonder whether or not I am completely over it. This was (or is) my reality and the change that a moment of careless living brought to me.

Change in your health and body generally:

For both genders, if you are the type that pays close attention to things in and around you, a time would come when your health/body would begin to indicate to you the fact that major transformations have set in – for good or bad. And, this is where you need to either brace up with the necessary adjustments that need to be done. Some may be to avoid eating specific meals completely or partially, along with consciously moderating what you eat or do.

Change in Career:

For any career-oriented person, it would be so glaring when you need to make a career shift or stay on track with what you have been known for to build more capacities. Gone are those days when people would say, you have to stick to one particular field or profession because that is what you studied in school. Changes in life and the world would naturally tilt you in diverse directions as the need arises. Someone would be asking silently “Should one be a jack of all trades because change is unavoidable”? The answer is, you would have to be “a jack of all trades and knowledgeable in all that you can” and of course, while having a niche – a particular vocation you are easily identified with.

For me, also, I proudly declare that I am a #journalist and #media consultant. One whose writing focuses on the following:
*Feature/Human angle stories
* Business to business (B2B) – organisations culture and public/customer relations
* Hospitality & Tourism
*Relationship/Real life issues;

Furthermore, I am a #publicrelations professional; voice-overs artiste; corporate compere & #moderator and an #entrepreneur in interior design and decoration (with a niche in window blinds installation of all types, curtains and bedding supplies).

So, don’t be surprised when you see me trying out other new specialties. That is simply #change at work.?

Change in a country or governance:

Times and over, in any nation, change in governance, policies, laws, leadership etc. is unavoidable. But, where there is injustice, lack of equity, no respect for the rule of law, abuse of power, violation of human rights, corruption at different levels, embezzlement of public funds, insecurity and all manner of evils being perpetrated, rest assured that a transition would come quickly than anyone imagines. In countries like Nigeria where the majority of the citizens are poor and hungry, where there is bad leadership and businesses (especially the SMEs) do not thrive, the people would rise when no one expects them to demand their rights, the dividends of democracy, good leadership and any other thing they desire.

Change is always a continuous phenomenon. It does not announce itself most of the time. It manifests where/when there are both awkward and good situations. The transformation would be evident when and where you experience what seems to be incomprehensible and when you have done all there is to do and it appears all hope is lost.

Amidst all we are faced with at the moment, as an #individual private and public #organisations, in our #families and as a #country, there is no better way to encourage one another than to say “Change Is Indeed Inexplicable.” It would come to you when divinity orchestrates it. Wait for it. The “ideal change” we all have been craving, would most notably, come.

Chikaodinaka Vivian DANIEL ( is a graduate of political science, journalism, and business communication; a public relations professional and bonafide member of NIPR; writer; radio presenter, corporate compere&moderator; voice-over artiste; a 200 per cent human resources and management enthusiast and the content editor and producer at Neptune Prime.


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