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IPOB discontinues sit-at-home, flyers dispersed


IPOB discontinues sit-at-home, flyers dispersed

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has commenced the distribution of flyers and posters throughout the southeast region, conveying the cancellation of their sit-at-home campaign.

This decision aims to disseminate Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s announcement and emphasize that the sit-at-home strategy will no longer be employed as a tool for civil disobedience in their pursuit of self-determination.

Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of IPOB, is presently in the custody of the Department of State Security (DSS).

In a statement released on Saturday, the group’s spokesperson, Emma Powerful, clarified their stance: “Any person or persons talking about a non-existent sit-at-home in Biafraland is an enemy of the people and shall be dealt with accordingly.”

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Powerful elaborated that the distribution of flyers and posters was authorized by Kanu himself and should be executed by hand or through pasting.

He reiterated that the sit-at-home practice is permanently terminated and will not be utilized to advance their cause. Anyone attempting to enforce this non-existent Monday sit-at-home will face immediate apprehension and consequences.

The group also disowned individuals purporting to represent a Biafra Government in Exile from Finland, labelling them as non-IPOB members whose actions do not align with Kanu’s vision or the objectives of IPOB.

IPOB underscored that the Biafran struggle, under their leadership, does not possess a government in exile, nor will they establish one.

They encouraged Biafrans to actively distribute the flyers and posters within various communities in Biafraland, symbolizing the conclusion of the Monday sit-at-home tradition.

The group issued a stern warning that those caught enforcing the sit-at-home practice will face consequences and highlighted that the individuals operating the Finland-based group cannot offer protection.

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