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Man seeks divorce, blames wife for business collapse, health crisis


Man seeks divorce, blames wife for business collapse, health crisis

A man, John Ayo, has approached Grade A Customary Court Mapo, Ibadan, Oyo State, seeking that it dissolve his 13-year- old wedlock with his wife, Toyin Akinwunmi, on the accounts of irreconcilable differences.

Ayo explained that he started experiencing calamities immediately he took Toyin as wife and that life had not been the same for him.

According to the plaintiff, his life became stagnant, while his fortune began to dwindle as his business started experiencing a set back and finally went bankrupt.

He added that he totally lost all that he had in his possession after he took ill and almost died.

John said he started eating from hand to mouth after these and was indebted to many.

The plaintiff stated that his marriage rather than bring joy to him, had caused him shame and sorrow, adding that he no longer loved his wife.

He, therefore, prayed the court to rule that they go their different ways.

Toyin pleaded not liable to the charges brought against her, but agreed that their marriage be dissolved.

John’s testimony went thus: “I met my wife in the church and we started dating.

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“Our relationship grew into courtship and we got married two years after we met, that was precisely 2016.

“I went into marriage full of expectations, unfortunately these have been cut short.

“I was already toeing my path of success when I met my wife.

“I had a business which was thriving and was comfortable. Fortune, I could confidently say smiled on me.

“As our wedlock grew from weeks to months, I started nursing some fears in me because things had began to go wrong not only in our relationship, but also in my business.

“Toyin and I seem not to understand each other again.

“My business took a down turn and gradually went bankrupt under my nose.

“I did all in my power to save it from crashing, but all my efforts failed.

“All that I had invested in for years crashed like a pack of cards.

“My wife showed no concern all this while, neither did she give me her support.

“I was still battling to come to terms with the calamity that befell me, when I suddenly took ill.

“The sickness was strange and defied all medical treatment.

“I sought for spiritual help after orthodox medicine failed, but I also got no respite.

“I was pinning away as my health deteriorated and had actually given up on living.

“I expended the last money on me seeking solution to my ailment, but got no help.

“ My wife made life more difficult for me. She failed to show any concern towards the state of my health and ignored me in my helpless state.

“Toyin would abandon me at home and stay back at work not caring if I ate or I died.

“I had a little respite after her younger sister moved in with us and took up the challenge of attending to me.

“My health suddenly began to improve till I was certified perfectly okay.

“But then, I had nothing to fall back on.

“My life became stagnant and I was feeding from hand to mouth.

“Life to me became a struggle and I had no breakthrough.

“I started buying things on credit and was indebted to many people.

“Although I was once owned a car, I now go about on my legs in shame.

“My lord, I no longer love my wife. She has brought ill luck my way and ruined my life.

“I plead with this court to dissolve our union”.

The court president, Mrs. S.M. Akintayo, after hearing John’s testimony, adjourned the case.

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