Popular Kannywood actress dies in Abuja

Popular Kannywood actress dies in Abuja
Late. Hannatu Umar Sani

Popular Kannywood actress dies in Abuja

Story from Saleh INUWA, Kano

Kannywood actress Hannatu Umar Sani passed away today in Abuja. Reports suggest that she suddenly collapsed and passed away on her way to the dining table, despite showing no signs of illness earlier in the day.

Hannatu, one of the founding members of Kannywood, entered the industry nearly two decades ago alongside renowned actors such as Fati Mohammed, Sani Danja, Ali Nuhu, and Mansura Isah. She showcased her talents in successful films like “Gara” and “Jarumai.”

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Popular Kannywood actress dies in Abuja
Late. Hannatu Umar Sani


After a hiatus, during which she pursued her university studies and obtained a degree, Hannatu returned to Kannywood following an unsuccessful marriage. Her comeback included notable appearances in films like “This is the Way,” produced by Musa Jammaje, Bashir Mai Shadda, and other acclaimed directors and producers in Kannywood.

The loss of Hannatu Umar adds to the list of talented actors and actresses Kannywood has tragically bid farewell to over the years. Names like Fadila Mohammed, Rabilu Musa Ibro, Ubale Ibrahim, Dauda Galadanci, Ahmed S. Nuhu, Biba Trouble, and Aminu Muhammad are sadly remembered among the industry’s fallen stars.

The news of Hannatu Umar’s sudden demise has sent shockwaves throughout the entertainment industry. Kannywood has not only provided job opportunities, but has also supported actors and actresses in pursuing lucrative careers in singing and modeling.


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