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Gov. Buni empowers healthcare professionals, employs 158 nurses


Gov. Buni empowers healthcare professionals, employs 158 nurses

In a remarkable move to enhance healthcare services in Yobe State, His Excellency the Executive Governor, Hon. Mai Mala Buni CON, has approved the employment of 158 community Nursing graduates from the prestigious Shehu Sule College of Nursing and Midwifery according to a statement by Mamman Mohammed DG, Press and Media Affairs to HE Governor Mai Mala Buni.

These talented individuals will now have the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the health and well-being of the community.

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The graduates, hailing from two sets of community Nursing, can now put their skills and knowledge into practice as they serve the people of Yobe State. Their dedication and commitment will undoubtedly contribute to the delivery of efficient, accessible, and affordable medical services.

Governor Buni’s commitment to supporting the next generation of healthcare professionals was further demonstrated by his announcement of a monthly allowance for 393 students enrolled in National Diploma and Basic Midwifery programs at the Shehu Sule College of Nursing and Midwifery. These future nurses, native to Yobe State, will receive a generous N10,000 monthly allowance to aid them in their educational journey.

In a show of his administration’s dedication to student welfare, Governor Buni ensured that 67 of the benefiting students will also receive 11 months’ worth of arrears for the allowance. This support will enable these aspiring nurses to focus on their studies and thrive in their academic pursuits.

Furthermore, a new batch of 326 students from Yobe State, who have enrolled in the Basic Midwifery and National Diploma in Nursing programs, will now be eligible to receive the approved monthly allowance. This financial assistance will alleviate the burden of their education expenses, allowing them to fully concentrate on their training to become outstanding healthcare professionals.

Governor Buni acknowledged the pivotal role healthcare workers play in the community and urged the newly employed personnel to display unwavering dedication in providing the best possible care for the people. He encouraged them to align themselves with the state government’s reform agenda, which prioritizes efficiency, accessibility, and affordability in healthcare delivery.

As for the nursing students, Governor Buni emphasized the government’s confidence in their abilities. He called upon them to strive for academic excellence and make the most of their educational opportunities. By doing so, they will not only honor the government’s investment but also pave the way for a brighter future in the healthcare sector.

These progressive measures by Governor Buni underscore his administration’s commitment to healthcare development and the well-being of the people of Yobe State. By empowering community Nursing graduates with employment opportunities and providing financial support to nursing students, Governor Buni is fostering a strong healthcare workforce that will contribute significantly to the region.

The approval of the employment of 158 community Nursing graduates not only recognizes the hard work and dedication of these individuals but also ensures that the community will have access to skilled healthcare professionals. This initiative will undoubtedly improve the quality of healthcare services in Yobe State and enhance the overall well-being of the residents.

Additionally, the monthly allowance provided to 393 nursing students is a testament to Governor Buni’s belief in the importance of investing in education. By easing their financial burden, the governor is enabling these students to focus on their studies and become competent healthcare professionals in the future. The arrears offered to 67 of the students further demonstrates the government’s commitment to their welfare and success.

Governor Buni’s call for the newly employed health personnel to be dedicated to their service and to align with the state government’s reform program is a reminder of the importance of providing efficient, accessible, and affordable medical services to the people. These measures will contribute to the overall improvement of healthcare delivery in the state.

The governor’s encouragement for the nursing students to study hard and fulfill their potential is a motivating message. By investing in their education, the government is laying a strong foundation for the future of healthcare in Yobe State. The success of these students will not only benefit them individually but will also contribute to the overall development of the healthcare sector in the region.

Governor Buni’s commitment to healthcare development and the well-being of the people of Yobe State is evident in these progressive measures. Through the employment of community Nursing graduates and the support provided to nursing students, his administration is working tirelessly to ensure that the healthcare system continues to grow and improve.

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