Niger’s ex-president Bazoum denies escape, stays at residence

Niger's ex-president Bazoum denies escape, stays at residence
Mohamed Bazoum

Niger’s ex-president Bazoum denies escape, stays at residence

Niger’s deposed president, Mohamed Bazoum, is reported to be in good health and with his family, according to a relative who spoke to AFP on Sunday.

This follows claims by the country’s new military rulers earlier in the week that Bazoum had attempted to escape.

The family member stated that Bazoum is currently at the presidential residence in Niamey with his wife and son and is doing well.

He was allowed to make a phone call, and his doctor was able to visit him and provide food.

On Thursday, the military regime that overthrew the democratically elected Bazoum on July 26 announced that they had thwarted his attempt to escape from their custody.

READ ALSO: Former Niger President foiled in escape plot to Nigeria

The escape plan, as described by the regime’s spokesman, involved Bazoum reaching a hideout on the outskirts of Niamey before attempting to flee in helicopters allegedly belonging to a foreign power, en route to Nigeria.

The regime also claimed to have arrested some of the individuals involved in the escape plan.

A collective of lawyers representing Bazoum refuted these allegations as “fabricated accusations” and raised concerns about his isolation.

French President Emmanuel Macron expressed his apprehension on Friday regarding the uncertain situation and called for the immediate release of Bazoum, his wife, and son.

Since his ousting by the military in July, Bazoum has refused to resign and has been held at his residence within the presidential palace, along with his family.

Last month, his legal team stated that he had filed a case with the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) court against those responsible for his removal and appealed for the restoration of constitutional order.

ECOWAS has warned of possible military intervention in Niger if diplomatic efforts to return Bazoum to power fail.

France, a former colonial power and a key ally in the fight against jihadist groups in Niger, has agreed to the military rulers’ demand to withdraw its 1,500 troops by December 31.

France had previously withdrawn troops from Mali and Burkina Faso, both of which experienced coups in the past two years.


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