Kebbi: Court of Appeal, victory and the need to close ranks, by Yakubu Ahmed BK


Kebbi: Court of Appeal, victory and the need to close ranks, by Yakubu Ahmed BK

It is with the greatest joy and excitement that the government and people of Kebbi State celebrate today’s Court of Appeal judgement that affirms the legitimacy of the APC government in Kebbi State. With this victory, the opposition PDP has exhausted two of the trilogy of its options; the last two – at the Tribunal level and this last one, at the Court of Appeal, showing that the original complaints which took this long to rest, were mere exercises in futility from their very beginning. With the way it has turned out today, it is now crucial for the people of Kebbi State of all political affiliations, especially the opposition political parties to put aside their differences and come together in unity. It is time to join hands with the government of Dr. Nasir Idris (Kauran Gwandu) and work collectively towards moving Kebbi State forward.


Of course, as democratic principles provided, litigation has always been the constitutional right of all manner of people and political interests to test the courts in pursuit of rights people feel have been infringed upon. We, at government level concede this right unequivocally and unabashedly to citizens and groups, to exercise those rights to the fullest. This concession we have done right after our victory at the Tribunal level; and we hold the same position now. It is inalienable and therefore sacrosanct.

But we believe also that the destiny of Kebbi State is even more sacrosanct. This judgment has proven that the opposition does not have a dog’s chance going by the finality and totality of the case history and antecedents.

Having said this, we must acknowledge the resilience and determination displayed by Governor Nasir Idris throughout the challenging months of litigation. Despite the obstacles faced and time wasted, he has shown abiding flashes of unwavering commitment to the welfare of our dear state. His dedication to providing effective leadership and his vision for infrastructural development in a state lamentably lacking in it, as encapsulated in his electioneering campaign promises, the provision of food and security in a state blessed with abundant agricultural potentials are highly commendable.

Kebbi State stands as a land of immense possibilities and opportunities, with fertile soil, vast resources and a back-up human potential. To fully harness these potentials, we need to put aside any party affiliations and focus on the greater good of our people. By closing ranks and working together, we can pave the way for a prosperous future, where every citizen of Kebbi State thrives and benefits from the growth and development that awaits us.

We call upon all opposition political parties and those who hold divergent views and opinions to look at the bigger picture of our shared values and embrace dialogue and cooperation. It is through constructive engagement and collaboration that we can collectively address the challenges facing our state. Let us bring our diverse perspectives to the table and find common ground for the betterment of Kebbi State and its people.

Governor Nasir Idris has made it clear from the onset, that he will run an all inclusive government. This is with a view to fostering a pro-people and transparent governance system. Engaging with various stakeholders, including opposition parties, will strengthen the decision-making process and ensure that the voices of all Kebbi State citizens are heard and taken into account.

In conclusion, let us seize this opportunity to build a brighter future for Kebbi State. Together, we can overcome any challenges and transform our state into a model of progress and prosperity. By standing united, we can achieve the objective of providing food and security, economic prosperity, unlocking the full potentials of our agricultural resources and solid mineral deposits and ensuring a better life for all. Let us rise above partisanship and work hand in hand for the greater good of Kebbi State.

Yakubu Ahmed BK is the Honourable Commissioner of Information and Culture, Kebbi State.


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