Empowering Inclusivity: Navigating workplace events to ensure every employee feels valued, by Adama Yerima Balla

Perseverance and courage in the face of disability: Story of Adama Balla
Adama Yarima Balla

Empowering Inclusivity: Navigating workplace events to ensure every employee feels valued, by Adama Yerima Balla

Chinwe, a dedicated and valuable quadriplegic staff member, recently faced a situation that left her feeling isolated and excluded; because a dinner to honor her boss was held without inviting her despite the event being held in an accessible venue. This oversight, while seemingly unintentional, raises important questions about inclusivity and the often overlooked challenges faced by employees with disabilities.

Chinwe’s story is not uncommon. Many employees with disabilities, despite their qualifications and contributions, often find themselves on the periphery of workplace social events. This can be due to a variety of factors, including unconscious bias, a lack of understanding of disability needs, or simply a failure to consider accessibility when planning events.

In Chinwe’s case, the decision to exclude her from the dinner, even though it was held in a wheelchair-accessible venue, highlights the limitations of physical accessibility alone. True inclusion requires going beyond the bare minimum and considering the emotional and social aspects of belonging.

Chinwe’s experience raises several important questions:

1. Whose responsibility is it to ensure that workplace events are inclusive?

2. How can we raise awareness about the challenges faced by employees with disabilities?

3. What steps can be taken to create a more equitable and inclusive workplace culture?

Chinwe is not seeking to place blame, but rather to start a conversation about how to prevent similar situations from happening in the future. She hopes that by sharing her story, she can raise awareness about the importance of inclusion and encourage workplaces to do better.

READ ALSO: Perseverance and Courage in the Face of Disability: The Inspiring Journey of Adama Balla

Here are some steps that workplaces can take to be more inclusive of employees with disabilities:

1. Consult with employees with disabilities when planning events. This will help to ensure that events are truly accessible and meet the needs of everyone.

2. Provide training on disability awareness for all employees. This will help to create a more understanding and empathetic workplace culture.

3. Create a culture of open communication. Encourage employees to speak up if they feel excluded or if they have any accessibility concerns.

By taking these steps, workplaces can create a more inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected. Chinwe’s story is a reminder that we all have a role to play in creating a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. It is important to note that Chinwe’s story is just one example. Many other employees with disabilities have faced similar experiences. By sharing these stories, we can help to raise awareness and create a more inclusive workplace for everyone.

In addition to the steps mentioned above, here are a few other things that workplaces can do to be more inclusive of employees with disabilities:

1. Offer flexible work arrangements. This can make it easier for employees with disabilities to manage their work and personal lives. 2. Provide access to assistive technology. This can help employees with disabilities to perform their jobs to the best of their ability. 3. Create a culture of mentorship and support. This can help employees with disabilities to feel like they are part of the team.  By taking these steps, workplaces can create a more inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected. Chinwe’s story is a reminder that we all have a role to play in creating a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Adama Yerima Balla is a Maidugri humaniprenuer (Human entrepreneur), a writer, an all-inclusive advocate for the disabled, a philanthropist, a mother, and an unapologetic quadriplegic who dedicated her life to helping people with disability. She can be reached via +2348069354055 adamaballa@yahoo.com


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