From Kuli-Kuli selling days to Academic Prowess: BUK couple defies odds, celebrates 7 years of unbreakable love


From Kuli-Kuli selling days to Academic Prowess: BUK couple defies odds, celebrates 7 years of unbreakable love

Some stories captivate the heart and transcend the ordinary. As Zaid Ayuba Alhaji and Raziqa Idris Garba, celebrate their 7th anniversary, a remarkable tale unfolds – a narrative of love, resilience, and commitment that began in the hallowed halls of Bayero University Kano (BUK). Now, seven years into their marital adventure, Zaid and Raziqa find themselves retracing the steps of their youth. Back at BUK for postgraduate studies, they share the same classes, occupy the same seats, and endure the same academic struggles—a poignant echo of their earlier years.

Intrigued by the sheer resilience and love that threaded through their journey, Neptune Prime embarked on a quest to bring you the details of this inspiring narrative. This interview is an exploration into the unique world of Zaid and Raziqa—a world where love knows no boundaries, and the echoes of the past resonate with the promise of a remarkable future.

NP: Name of the couples, tribe, state of origin

I am Zaid Ayuba Alhaji, and my lovely wife, Raziqa Idris Garba.

I am a Hausa-Fulani. My father is from Kano, and my mother is from Daura, Katsina. But, I [was] born and brought up in Niger state.

Raziqa is also a Hausa Fulani with a lineage from Kano and Zamfara but [she was] born and [raised] in Kano.

NP: How did you meet? Was it love at first sight? What compelled the decision to get married? Ko rigima kuka sa “ayi muku aure kada ku lalace?”

Kuli- kuli Couple: Smiles.. It all began in April 2016, when the University was resuming for a new session. I, Zaid Ayuba Alhaji was a Direct Entry student that just joined the university, while Raziqa Idris Garba was already in the University, I joined them in level 200.

While taking a Subsidiary course together, Raziqa caught my attention due to her calm and self-minding business nature. coupled with a kind of maturity that attracted me even at first sight.

As we continued to attend classes, I realized that she usually came with a Chinese-crafted hand fan because of the heat as a result of the weather.
So, one day, I politely borrowed the hand fan…… (Smiles)… That was how we began to go along. And with time, we became close friends.

We began to read together and plan things together, that was how we miraculously began to plan life together every though we were not formally dating ….. Just two innocent friends who are mature and have a deep understanding of each other.
And just like that, we began to see a future together, we planned and decided to marry early so we could raise a family at a young age. We agreed to settle down and test our life’s formula which is combining studies, marriage, and businesses.

From Kuli-Kuli selling days to Academic Prowess: BUK Couple Defies Odds, Celebrates 7 Years of Unbreakable Love
Zayd and Raziqa’s first picture at level 2

NP: What are the challenges you faced after this bold decision? How did your parents respond to your decision to get married as students?

Kuli- kuli Couple: We got married exactly 7 months after we met, on the 15th of January 2017.

Right from the day we told our relatives about the idea of getting married, we faced serious criticism, opposition, and shaming, especially from our closest relatives and almost everyone around us. But our parents were 100% supportive of us. That was what made the ride easier.

NP: We all know marriage is expensive, how did you do it? Were you doing any work, business, or trading? Or it’s your parents who sponsored the journey?

Kuli- kuli Couple: What we did was venturing into business together. Our first business was selling pure and natural Honey. We agreed to be supplying it from my home town and it was so successful that we were selling it all across the North.

We also ventured into selling perfumes, and Okrika clothes, then selling groundnut oil to restaurants and Gurasa shops like Murtala Suya.. That was how we began to produce Kuli Kuli, from the ground nut oil production.

We proudly ventured into Kuli Kuli’s business, I sold in lecture halls, theaters, hostels, and everywhere accessible, while she sold with her friends and hostel and it was so successful that from the proceedings, we decided to settle down.

NP: Being “student couples” in level 300, what were the biggest challenges you faced both academically and personally, and how did you overcome them? Did your marriage affect your studies?

Kuli- kuli Couple: The biggest challenge we faced academically and personally was finance. I contested the Students Union Government President at the time and the struggle became multiple. Politics, business, academics, and struggle to feed the family. We’ve faced a lack of basic needs, hunger, deprivation, disappointments, and setbacks, but all these didn’t break us, instead, they made us stronger.

NP: Financial struggles are a common concern for students. How did you manage finances during your undergraduate years, and what lessons did you learn that have influenced your financial decisions as a couple?

Kuli- kuli Couple: It was a hellish period in our lives, as everything seemed to be happening at the same time. It seemed like a roller coaster of events, demands, and troubles with no help from anywhere.

The 2017/2018 Economic crises in Nigeria contributed a lot to it, as many businesses were affected at that time.
On several days, we go to bed with empty stomachs, waking up with nothing to eat, and no hope for afternoon or evening meals. Most time, we trek to school together and only relied on foods our friends prepared in the hostel.

During our last session going to level 400, we nearly dropped out of school because we couldn’t afford the fees, but we stood by each other, sold our belongings, and paid our fees as usual. At the end of the day, we all graduated with excellent grades.

We learned that to survive as a couple, we had to live a life of extreme selflessness, sacrifice, and sincerity. Treat each other as one, whatever belongs to her becomes mine, and what’s mine becomes her’s too. That was the top secret of our survival throughout these years.

NP: Over seven years of marriage, what role have friends and family played in supporting or challenging your relationship, and how have you navigated those dynamics?

Kuli- kuli Couple: Our friends and relatives were never supportive of our struggle. Instead, we were frequently treated as a nuisance even in conversations and matters related to friendship and family.

We never give up and today we’ve successfully inspired uncountable people to marry and live successful lives.

From Kuli-Kuli selling days to Academic Prowess: BUK Couple Defies Odds, Celebrates 7 Years of Unbreakable Love
Zayd and Raziqa on their 7th Anniversary

NP: I must commend your decision to pursue your postgraduate studies together in the same class, which is unique and shows how considerate and selfless you are.

Why and how did you arrive at this decision? Has the experience strengthened your bond, and what benefits do you see in sharing the academic journey?

Kuli- kuli Couple: Raziqa supported me wholeheartedly and with everything in her life from the very first day we met and even when I did my first master’s degree, alone, that was why I supported and even joined her to do another master’s Degree with the plan to continue together till our Ph.D.

I believe that supporting her academically, and in skill acquisition is the greatest asset I’m building to secure our future, especially that of our children, and most especially when I am no more.

NP: What advice would you give to other couples who may be facing challenges in their relationships, whether related to family, finances, or personal growth?

Kuli- kuli Couple: My advice to couples with challenges in their relationships, whether family, finances, or personal growth, is to be patient with their partners, even if they don’t do what you expect at the beginning of the marriage. Don’t ever give up on the relationship, you’ll succeed together when you hold tight and persevere.

The truth is if everyone were to be married and study at the same time, life could be easier and cheaper. Although it may be rough and tough at the beginning, as time goes by, you’ll realize how well you’ve grown in love, patience, and togetherness.

Getting married early, or as a student may seem ridiculous because of the vibes of being single, but it provides the best secret to longevity and a rare legacy

NP: Balancing academics, work, and married life can be demanding. How do you prioritize and manage your time to ensure a healthy balance in your relationship?

Kuli- kuli Couple: We have tried balancing academics, work, and marriage and we’ve conquered. We now have 3 children and have accomplished what we set for ourselves. We simply prioritize and manage our time to ensure a healthy balance between our home and school schedules, while still working for our future.

From Kuli-Kuli selling days to Academic Prowess: BUK Couple Defies Odds, Celebrates 7 Years of Unbreakable Love

NP: Reflecting on your journey so far, what are the key lessons you’ve learned about love, commitment, and building a life together?

Kuli- kuli Couple: Now that we are celebrating 7 years of marriage, reflecting on our journey so far, we’ve learned key lessons about love. It is just about pure commitment, mutual respect, selflessness, and standing shoulder-to-shoulder is the greatest asset you’ll ever have in this life. You must be willing to build a life together if you want an everlasting life full of happiness.

NP: Thank you

Kuli- kuli Couple: A pleasure.


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