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Terrorists kidnap 30 travellers on Abuja-Kaduna highway

Armed with AK-47 rifles, the bandits executed their plan by blocking the road for approximately 45 minutes. During this time, they opened fire and coerced travellers out of their vehicles at gunpoint, creating a scene of chaos and fear.


Terrorists kidnap 30 travellers on Abuja-Kaduna highway

In a harrowing incident, more than 30 travellers were kidnapped along the Abuja-Kaduna highway when terrorists blocked the route for about an hour.

Former federal lawmaker and social activist, Senator Shehu Sani, confirmed the disturbing event that took place near Kateri village around 9 pm.

Sani, sharing the details on X platform (formerly Twitter), highlighted that the abductions involved politicians from both the ruling All Progressive Congress (APC) and opposition parties who narrowly escaped the terrorists’ clutches.

Armed with AK-47 rifles, the bandits executed their plan by blocking the road for approximately 45 minutes. During this time, they opened fire and coerced travellers out of their vehicles at gunpoint, creating a scene of chaos and fear. Suleiman Dan Baba, a local resident, described the traumatic event, emphasizing the audacity and violence exhibited by the bandits.

According to Samaila Shehu, another resident from nearby Jere, over 30 travellers were taken hostage during the attack. The bandits, organized in groups, expanded their reach to nearby Bishini and Kokore communities, further escalating the situation by abducting several villagers.

Shuaibu Adamu Jere, a community leader, shared an account of a relative’s narrow escape near the attack site. The operation lasted around 45 minutes, resulting in a driver being shot, and two vehicles were left abandoned, reflecting the intensity and ruthlessness of the assault.

READ ALSO: Bandits attack, kidnap travellers along Abuja-Kaduna road

An anonymous lawyer from Katari confirmed the road blockade, highlighting the uncertainty surrounding the extent of the abductions. Despite the challenging circumstances, soldiers stationed near Katari eventually repelled the bandits, preventing further damage.

As the community grapples with the aftermath, Samuel Aruwan, the Kaduna State overseeing commissioner for internal security and home affairs, and ASP Mansir Hassan, the state Police Command’s Public Relations Officer, assured that a thorough investigation into the incident would be conducted to bring those responsible to justice. The attack on the Abuja-Kaduna road underscores the pressing need for enhanced security measures to safeguard the lives of travellers in the region.

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