Congolese journalist faces 20-year sentence as trial resumes

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Congolese journalist faces 20-year sentence as trial resumes

The trial of Stanis Bujakera, a prominent journalist in the Democratic Republic of Congo, has resumed in Kinshasa, with the prosecution urging a 20-year prison term.

Bujakera was arrested in September after publishing an article in Jeune Afrique, alleging the assassination of opposition politician Cherubin Okende by intelligence officers. Despite

In July, Okende’s body had been found in a car riddled with bullets.

The prosecutor’s office maintained he had killed himself.

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Human Rights Watch described Mr Bujakera’s case as politically motivated and Congolese President Felix Tshisekedi suggested he’d been the victim of what he called “sick justice”.

The press freedom campaign group, Committee to Protect Journalists, is calling for Mr Bujakera’s “immediate and unconditional release”.


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