Moscow Attack: 11 arrested, death toll reaches 115, names, pictures of ISIS suspects revealeda


Moscow Attack: 11 arrested, death toll reaches 115, names, pictures of ISIS suspects revealed

Russian security forces have apprehended individuals believed to be linked to the devastating attack on the Crocus concert hall in Moscow.

Concurrently, authorities in Moscow have divulged the identities and images of four suspects, coinciding with a grim escalation in the death toll, now standing at 115 casualties, including three children.

Additionally, 115 individuals remain hospitalized, with 44 described as in ‘serious’ condition and 16 in ‘extremely serious’ condition.

The assault, attributed to the Islamic State (ISIS) group, marks one of the deadliest incidents in Russia in recent memory, engulfing the 6,000-capacity concert venue in Krasnogorsk, situated outside Moscow, in flames and leading to a collapsing roof.

Earlier disclosures revealed that 11 individuals had been detained in connection with the heinous attack, with the head of Russia’s Federal Security Service apprising President Vladimir Putin of the developments.

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This revelation emerged subsequent to the interception of a white Renault vehicle bearing Tver region license plates, purportedly transporting the alleged terrorists near the village of Teply, in close proximity to the borders with Belarus and Ukraine.

Initial reports indicate that the vehicle accommodated six occupants, of which two were successfully apprehended, while the remaining four managed to flee the scene.

Media outlets have disseminated images of the four suspects, all hailing from the ex-Soviet republic of Tajikistan, which shares borders with Afghanistan. The individuals identified are Makhmadrasul Nasridinov (37), Rivozhidin Ismonov (51), Shohinjonn Safolzoda (21), and Rustam Nazarov (29). However, clarity is yet to be attained regarding the detention status of these individuals.

The tragic events in Moscow evoke memories of a similar incident in 2002 when 40 Chechen militants seized over 900 hostages during a musical performance titled NordOst, resulting in the loss of approximately 130 lives.

The unveiling of the suspects’ identities and the ongoing investigation underscore the gravity of the situation, as authorities strive to bring the perpetrators to justice and prevent further acts of terror.


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