Ramadan reflections, by Ibrahim T. Tumsah


Ramadan reflections, by Ibrahim T. Tumsah

Radical Thought

I’ve come prepared for this fight. Without weapons— instead armed with sentences sharpened like knives. What can make you understand my fight? it is the struggle with the stirrings of the soul, the chaotic tumultuous battlefield of our times. The right, the left, the centrists, the liberals, the communists, the fanatics, the political, the economy, the zealots, the oppressors, the exploiters, the atheists, and most especially the seekers of God who strive to gain His pleasure. In all that one does he must never go to extremes. That is where excess lies. It is in the extremes that one finds confusion, unable to tell truth from fiction, lies from truth, God or the devil.

“But if they turn away say, “God suffice me: there is no deity but He: In Him I have put my trust. He is the Lord of the Glorious Throne.” — (Q9:129).

I’m like a wanderer roaming the breadths of the earth combing through the annals of history searching for truth. Even though i was born knowing the truth which I seek. I still sought it unremittingly and found it for myself waiting patiently for me to arrive, to grasp it by its tender hands. It told me to speak it and I did. It was nothing short of extraordinary for it was Islam all along. So I was born knowing, even though I was unaware of it in its entirety. And how could i have known it in its entirety? it is quite impossible. But yet i did, not in my conscience but in my heart and soul. For that was indeed the Truth.

READ ALSO: Ramadan Q and A  with Sheikh Muhammad Usman

It is not the how that confounds us but the why most of all that comforts us. Scientists go to great lengths to astound us with their great reasoning, but we no less, are never amazed at their feats. Not out of envy for their great vacillations between one explanation or the other. Today it might be one thing, tomorrow another reason altogether. Which is it then?

However, this Magnificent Book, (if you can call it just that). A Book better than all the words, precious metals and everything in this vast universe put together can surmise or even match it in its Greatness. No! calling it just a book would make it seem too simple, but that’s the thing the Quran is simple to grasp for anyone— the meek, the simple minded fellow, the doubter, the thinker, the humble, the arrogant, the appalled, the scientist, the majorrer of all major affairs. It is what it wants to be for the one that approaches it with the intention of wanting to understand the Word of God and the world around them and most importantly, themselves. And if you are worthy of it, it seeps into your heart like droplets of water dripping onto a stone until it breaks that hardened outer shell around the heart. It reveals that the situation of mankind has never really changed—from the trials of the first man all the way to the last man. Man as he was made, has been in constant need of God. Whoever tells man anything different is either in denial or is lying. And who is more unjust than one who lies about God?

“Who is better? he who finds his building on the fear of God and His good pleasure or he who builds on the brink of a crumbling precipice, so that his house is ready to fall with him into the fire of hell.” — (Q9:109).

Only a little glimpse is needed a tiny seed from the Holiest of Books to latch onto the soul for it to light the path for those who need to find their way in this tiny maze we call life. Is it in the story of Prophet Yusuf (A.S)? The humble boy that got sold into slavery and rose up through the ranks after overcoming so many trials to become a well respected official in the Egyptian society—far away from his homeland. Or is it the story of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) who jostled with his father and his peoples using his faculty of reasoning to arrive at the truth. Leading his sons and his wives to greener pastures to lay the foundations for a new nation. Or the story of the son of Mary (A.S) whose miraculous conception will serve as a foreshadowing for his miraculous life from birth, to speaking in the cradle till the day he was raised up to his Lord. In this Holy Book even the simplest man will take something away that will be etched into his heart forever, Through the darkest nights and high temperatures for that seed of inspiration is enough to keep him nourished through hard times— all he need do is remember.

The story of the baby whose mother gave him up trusting in the plans of the Most Merciful God, escaping persecution only to end up spending his childhood amongst his persecutors family. This baby was none other than the Prophet Musa (A.S); who will indeed leave home and spend time in the wilderness tending sheep only to return to challenge his adopted father’s household armed with nothing but the Word of God. Indeed, there is always something to learn anew of this great Book every time one chances upon reading it. What a glory it is to behold. Because I love this Book. The criterion, the Truth, the inspirational Word of God conveyed through the Holy Prophet, the last prophet, seal of prophethood, the best of Mankind— Muhammed (upon him be peace). Th unlettered, trustworthy shepherd. Whose own life speaks for itself. An orphan at birth but throughout his life and after will inspire many to proclaim that there is only One God.

Let us not treat this lightly. Islam is the only inspiration we need to live an upright, ethical life. we need not look too far for answers that are staring us right in the face, all we need to do is look under our noses. For it is, that whoever it is that does not believe in God will not believe in the people of God. To believe in the Truth of God one will only need to observe the examples set by the prophets and messengers God had sent down. For God does not fail to deliver on his promises for mankind. It is true that people will perish without the word of God. Every where you look people thirst for God’s Words and in it find peace.

“… He said to his people, “My people, if my presence among you and my preaching to you of God’s revelation offends you, know that I put my trust in God…” (Q10:71).


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