Sperm Survives Inside Women for Days: A waiting game for babies

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Sperm Survives Inside Women for Days: A waiting game for babies

Did you know that when a man and a woman have intercourse, the tiny cells called sperm don’t leave right away? It’s true! Sperm can stay inside a woman’s vagina for as long as five days. They hang out there, waiting patiently for the woman’s body to release an egg.

So, why do they stick around for so long?

Well, it’s all about making babies. You see, a woman’s body releases an egg once a month, and that’s called ovulation. Sperm have to be there when the egg is released so they can fertilize it and start the process of making a baby.

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Even though the vagina might not seem like the friendliest place for sperm, with its acidic environment, these little guys are tough. They can survive and stay healthy for days, just waiting for the right moment to meet the egg.

This discovery helps us understand more about how babies are made. It also gives couples trying to have a baby a better idea of when the best time to try might be.

In short, sperm can hang out inside women for up to five days, playing the waiting game until it’s time to make a baby.


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