Why Men Walk on the Right: A tale of swords, protection, and chivalry


Why Men Walk on the Right: A tale of swords, protection, and chivalry

Story from, Jamila Yunusa SULEIMAN

In ancient times, men walked on the right side of women to defend against sudden attacks. This tradition stems from the idea of protecting women, a practice ingrained in human history.

It highlights the role of men in safeguarding women, acknowledging the natural strength differences between genders.

Imagine a man, proudly accompanying his lady, ready to protect her with a sword by his side. During medieval times, various weapons were used during wars or for self-defense purposes such as spears which were most commonly used weapon during warfare; knightly swords which became synonymous with chivalry; longbows- mythical legendary weapons; crossbows- deadly even when wielded by untrained individuals; war hammers and bludgeons; lances -medieval superweapons designed to shock and awe opponents, axes -simple yet effective tools designed for hacking.

Knights usually carried weapons around them at all times so they could counter any attack promptly. A knight’s sword arm was typically situated on their right side because it needed to remain free at all times so they could protect themselves and others effectively.

Moreover, having the woman walk on the left-hand side would mean that constantly tangling swords with her dress or gown sheath might prove hazardous while hindering quick access if required urgently.

Examining biological differences between males and females reveals why men are naturally suited as protectors due to certain distinctive features associated with their anatomy including larger fibers present in upper-body muscles compared those found in women who tend towards more fatty tissues than lean ones.

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However, despite its historical origins dating back centuries ago when knights moved around armed always prepared for battle situations today’s modern society no longer requires us emulate this tradition literally anymore since we do not have knights moving around wielding swords everywhere!

Nonetheless observing sidewalk etiquette still holds good meaning since it reminds us about our duty towards protecting each other especially vulnerable segments like ladies whom we should treat respectfully at all times regardless!


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