Borno Bus Tragedy: 16 dead, 20 injured after ISWAP explosives detonate


Borno Bus Tragedy: 16 dead, 20 injured after ISWAP explosives detonat

Tragedy struck along the Baga-Kukawa Road in the Kukawa Local Government Area of Borno State when a commercial vehicle fell victim to an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) suspected to have been planted by ISWAP terrorists.

The incident, which occurred on Wednesday, April 17, resulted in a devastating loss of lives and injuries.

According to credible military intelligence sources, the explosion claimed the lives of no fewer than 16 individuals, while leaving 20 others wounded.

Although initial reports indicated 10 fatalities, subsequent investigations have revealed the higher casualty toll.

READ ALSO: ISWAP in Borno executes abducted police officer

The spokesman for the 7 Division, Lt. Col. Ajemusu Jingina, said, “I will not comment on the incident, as the location falls under the jurisdiction of the Multi-National Joint Task Force, which is headquartered in Ndjamena, Chad Republic.”

However, a resident of Baga, Bukar Wakil said: “We heard that the IED was planted with the intent of killing troops, but the unfortunate commercial vehicle drove over it before any military vehicle did, killing about 16 people and injuring about 20, mainly passers-by.”

A Maiduguri-based security expert, Abdullahi Abubakar,  raised concern over the resurgence of sporadic attacks by ISWAP across the Lake Chad basin.
“You should look at the current resurgence of attacks from three angles.

“One, troops have claimed degrading Boko Haram to virtual non-existence; two, ISWAP, a rival of Boko Haram, has invaded the Chad basin, not only unleashing terror but attempting to crush Boko Haram in incessant battles for supremacy; and three, ISWAP wants to show the Nigerian military that they are very much around and are very much uncrushable.

“Until troops completely crush ISWAP, the terror group will never, in my view, allow Chad basin to rest. This explains the sporadic attacks, especially in northern Borno.”


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