Family, 19-year-old boy, 3 other Boko Haram terrorists surrender to troops


Family, 19-year-old boy, 3 other Boko Haram terrorists surrender to troops

The onslaught against terrorists in the Lake Chad Region, spanning Cameroon and Nigeria by the Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) has been yielding positive results as six terrorists recently surrendered to the valiant troops.

According to a statement issued by Lieutenant Colonel Abubakar Abdullahi, Chief Military Public Information Officer, the repentant terrorists have been laying down their arms from 17 to 27 April 2024.



He said, “On 17 April 2024, a 19-year-old Boko Haram terrorist named Alhaji Ali surrendered to troops of 403 Amphibious Brigade (Baga) of Sector 3 in Monguno, Nigeria. Initial investigations reveal a 3-year affiliation with Boko Haram’s Buduma faction. Ali, hailing from Masarram on Lake Chad Island and residing at Duguri, highlighted the growing discontentment within the group.

“Furthermore, on 25 April 2024, two more terrorists, Haoudou Sedik, 37, and Kadja Ousman, 21, turned themselves in at Blangua, Cameroon, to troops of Sector 1 in the Darak area of southern Lake Chad. Investigations reveal their origins from Chad, residing in the localities of Kami-Wari and Kourea, respectively.



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“The surrenders continued on 26 April, when Mohammed Abdulraman, 38, his wife Sadiya, and their two children (aged 13 and an infant), bearing one 36 hand grenade, surrendered to Sector 3’s 403 Amphibious Brigade at the Kwatam Turare axis, Baga, Nigeria. Abdulraman, identified as a foot soldier since 2017 in Sharama, cited internal crisis and the influence of MNJTF’s Operation Nashrul Salam as reasons for their defection.



“Likewise, on 27 April 2024, Yusuf Umaru, a 25-year-old, surrendered to the troops of 19 Brigade, Sector 3, in Kekeno, within the Kukawa Local Government Area of Borno State, Nigeria. During the initial investigation, Umaru revealed that he had been abducted by Boko Haram militants along the Monguno-Maiduguri road in 2020. He stated that during his captivity, he was forced to work as a storeroom keeper in one of the terrorist group’s camps located on the islands of Lake Chad.



The MNJTF urged other Boko Haram terrorists hiding in the Lake Chad Islands and adjoining communities to cease hostilities and embrace peace.

“We reiterate our commitment to restoring lasting peace and stability to the Lake Chad Basin, encouraging terrorists to follow the path of those who have already surrendered,” the statement said.


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