Letter to the youth, by Lawan Munkaila


Letter to the youth, by Lawan Munkaila

As a proud son of Yobe State, I am deeply concerned about the current state of affairs in the North, particularly regarding the recent wave of tower vandalizing that has plunged many states into darkness. My name is Lawan Munkaila, and I believe it is our responsibility as youth to hold our leaders accountable and demand solutions to the pressing issues facing our region.

The vandalizing of four towers along the Jos-Gombe 330kV transmission line has not only disrupted the power supply but has also highlighted the need for urgent action from our leaders. The North-East, in particular, is bearing the brunt of this blackout, and it is time for our governors to step up and provide solutions.

One immediate solution lies in harnessing the abundant solar energy available in the region. Solar power presents a sustainable and reliable alternative to traditional energy sources, and it is high time for our leaders to prioritise its adoption. By investing in solar infrastructure, we can ensure a more resilient power supply for our communities.

But the challenges facing the North go beyond just electricity. Access to clean water is another pressing issue that requires immediate attention. Before the tower vandalism, many of our leaders failed to provide diesel for public boreholes, leaving communities vulnerable to water scarcity. Now, with the blackout exacerbating the situation, the need for sustainable water solutions is more urgent than ever.

As youth, we cannot afford to remain silent in the face of these challenges. We must hold our leaders accountable at every level of government, from the chairman of local governments to the governors and senators representing us in Abuja. It is our right to demand transparency, accountability, and tangible solutions from those entrusted with leading our communities.

I urge my fellow youth in Yobe State and across the North to rise up and demand action from our leaders. Let us engage with our elected officials, hold them accountable for their promises, and push for policies that prioritise the well-being and development of our region.

In conclusion, addressing the energy crisis and water scarcity in the North requires collective action and unwavering commitment from both leaders and citizens. Let us work together to build a brighter and more sustainable future for generations to come.

Lawan Munkaila writes from Yobe State.


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