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Boko Haram unleashes terror in Niger, kill 20, behead 10

This is my darkest moment as the representative of the people of the Niger East senatorial district. I am very helpless at the moment. My people, including men, women, and children, are being killed like animals,” he said.


Boko Haram unleashes terror in Niger, kill 20, behead 10

No fewer than 20 people were allegedly killed by suspected Boko Haram members at Bassa community in Shiroro Local Government Area of Niger State. Among the victims, 10 youths were reportedly slaughtered, with their heads handed over to the community members while the attackers filmed the gruesome act.

The incident occurred around 8 am on Friday. The victims had returned to the village to gather food and necessities after fleeing following a previous attack.

READ ALSO: Boko Haram terrorists attack Chibok community in Borno, kill 12 villagers

A village source claimed the victims were targeted because they refused to join Boko Haram. The sect warned that anyone refusing to join them would face a similar fate. “When we fled our community, the sect told us never to return, but we only came back to pick up our food and other necessities when they attacked us,” the source said.

Senator Mohammed Sani Musa, representing Niger East senatorial district, condemned the killings as barbaric and inhuman. “My heart bleeds for them. This is my darkest moment as the representative of the people of the Niger East senatorial district. I am very helpless at the moment. My people, including men, women, and children, are being killed like animals,” he said.

He questioned the motives of the attackers, stating, “The question is, what do they want from the people? These are harmless and innocent peasant farmers. Do they want to chase my people away from their lands?”

The senator also noted that three weeks ago, bandits attacked Kuchi village, killing seven security agents and kidnapping about 150 people, leaving the community deserted.

The state government has yet to respond to the incident. Two months ago, nine people in Allawa community in Shiroro Local Government Area were beheaded by Boko Haram after ignoring warnings to stay away from their ancestral land.

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