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Borno residents receive 36,000 bags of grains from FG


Borno residents receive 36,000 bags of grains from FG

Story from Usman UMAR

Borno State Governor, Babagana Umara Zulum, has distributed a portion of the 36,000 50kg bags of grains given by the Federal Government to the state government to assist resettled communities and other vulnerable families.

The handout took place on Monday in a large open area in Pulka town, with 10,000 residents each receiving a 50kg bag of grain.

Zulum expressed appreciation to the federal government for the gift, acknowledging that it arrived when such a kindness was greatly needed.

Speaking to the recipients, Zulum said, “We are here to commence the allocation of relief supplies from the Federal Government of Nigeria under the leadership of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

“A total of approximately thirty-six thousand 50kg bags of various grains including maize grain and millet were given to the Government of Borno State by the Federal Government of Nigeria.”

He continued, “I want to express my sincere gratitude on behalf of the government and people of Borno State to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu for this generous offering. This is not the only assistance we have received from him.

“We have received significant support from the President in the past year.”

Zulum also mentioned that the federal government has given rice to Borno, which the state government is getting.

“In addition to this grain, the federal government is also supplying some rice; we have begun receiving it, but they have not finished delivering the rice to the state government.

Additionally, Governor Zulum oversaw the distribution of N220m cash to 22,000 vulnerable women and widows in the Pulka ward of Gwoza Local Government Area on Monday.

Zulum stated that each of the 22,000 women received N10,000 cash aid and one wrapper.

“Along with the food items donated by the federal government, on our end, Borno State government is also providing N10,000 cash and a wrapper to each of the 22,000 women here,” Zulum mentioned.

“The beneficiaries were selected from Pulka, Ngoshe, Warabe, and Kirawa communities of Gwoza Local Government Area,” Zulum added.

Governor Zulum was accompanied by the representative of Gwoza, Damboa, and Chibok at the House of Representatives, Honourable Ahmed Jaha; the representative of Gwoza at the State House of Assembly, Honourable Abdullahi Buba Abatcha; Northeast Zonal Coordinator of NEMA, Ahmed Sirajo, and other officials of the Borno State Government.

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