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Buni, Zulum, Fintiri conduct inspection of Pakistani tractor plant


Buni, Zulum, Fintiri conduct inspection of Pakistani tractor plant

Yobe State Governor, Hon. Mai Mala Buni CON, along with Borno State Governor, Professor Babagana Umara Zulum, and Adamawa State Governor, Alh. Umaru Fintiri, have visited a tractor manufacturing plant in Pakistan as part of their study tour of the Pakistani Post-Insurgency and disaster management experience.

READ ALSO: Govs. Buni, Zulum, Fintiri visit Pakistan on study tour of disaster management (Photos)

During their visit, the Governors engaged in discussions with the plant representatives on acquiring the latest machinery to enhance agricultural practices in their respective states, aiming to boost food security and economic development.

The trip is a part of the three states’ commitment to improving agricultural production as a crucial step in their post-insurgency recovery efforts.

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