Iran strikes back after Israeli airstrikes in Syria

Iran strikes back after Israeli airstrikes in Syria

Iran strikes back after Israeli airstrikes in Syria

Israeli airstrikes targeting the Al-Nayrab military airport in Aleppo have led to retaliatory shelling by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, according to an Iraqi military source.

The source detailed that the airstrikes occurred at 11:30 pm on Friday, targeting positions held by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, resulting in significant human and material losses. In retaliation, at 11:45 pm, Iranian Revolutionary Guard units in Deir ez-Zor launched Grad rockets at the US military base at the Conoco gas plant in eastern Deir ez-Zor province, causing indirect hits.

READ ALSO: Iran threatens war if Israel attacks Lebanon

The situation remains tense, with both sides on high alert. The escalation is part of the ongoing proxy conflict between Israel and Iran in Syria, where Israel targets Iranian and Hezbollah positions to prevent the transfer of advanced weapons and hinder Iran’s military presence.

Conversely, Iran continues to bolster its influence in Syria through military and financial support to the Syrian regime, with the IRGC and Hezbollah playing significant roles.

The broader regional conflict includes Israeli aggression in Gaza, resulting in substantial Palestinian casualties, primarily among children and women.


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