Thomas Fuller: The African math genius known as the “Virginia Calculator”

Thomas Fuller: The African math genius known as the "Virginia Calculator"

Thomas Fuller: The African math genius known as the “Virginia Calculator”

Thomas Fuller, often referred to as “Negro Tom” and the “Virginia Calculator,” was a remarkable African mathematical prodigy. Born in 1710 in what is now Benin, West Africa, Fuller was tragically shipped to America as a slave in 1724. Despite the hardships of enslavement, his extraordinary mental calculation abilities earned him recognition and admiration, eventually serving as a powerful testament to the intellectual capabilities of enslaved Africans.

Early Life and Journey to America

Fuller’s life began in the vibrant and culturally rich region of Benin. At the age of 14, he was captured and forcibly transported to America, where he became enslaved in Virginia. Despite the brutal conditions of slavery, Fuller retained a remarkable gift for mathematics, which he honed throughout his life while working on a farm.

A Mathematical Prodigy

Thomas Fuller’s talents as a mental calculator were so extraordinary that they drew the attention of antislavery campaigners later in his life. These campaigners, eager to challenge prevailing racist notions of African inferiority, used Fuller’s abilities as proof of the intellectual equality and potential superiority of blacks in academic fields.

Thomas Fuller


Demonstrating Genius

Fuller’s mathematical prowess was tested and documented by prominent figures of the time, including William Hartshorne and Samuel Coates. One of the notable tests of his abilities was recounted by Dr. Benjamin Rush, a prominent physician and social reformer. Rush emphasized the credibility of Hartshorne and Coates and detailed their experiments with Fuller:

1. Seconds in a Year and a Half: When asked how many seconds there are in a year and a half, Fuller answered in about two minutes: 47,304,000 seconds.

2. Seconds in a Lifetime: On being asked how many seconds a man has lived if he is seventy years, seventeen days, and twelve hours old, Fuller provided the answer in a minute and a half: 2,210,500,800 seconds. When challenged on his calculation, Fuller quickly corrected his inquisitor by noting the inclusion of leap years, proving his answer correct.

3. Pigs and Progeny: Fuller was asked a complex question involving exponential growth: if a farmer has six sows, each of which has six female pigs in the first year, and this pattern continues for eight years, how many sows will the farmer have? Fuller answered, after ten minutes, with 34,588,806. His delay was due to a minor misunderstanding of the question, not a lack of ability.

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Despite Fuller’s perfect answers, Hartshorne and Coates noted that his abilities may have been even greater in his youth. They observed signs of aging, such as grey hair, and noted that he had worked hard on a farm his entire life without indulging in alcohol. Fuller spoke highly of his mistress, who refused to sell him despite tempting offers, showing his loyalty and humility.

When Mr. Coates remarked that it was a pity Fuller had not received an education equal to his genius, Fuller humbly responded, “No, Massa, it is best I had no learning, for many learned men be great fools.”


Thomas Fuller’s life and abilities serve as a powerful reminder of the untapped potential and intellectual prowess that existed among enslaved Africans. His story challenges the prejudices of his time and continues to inspire and educate us about the vast contributions of African individuals to mathematics and other fields.

Fuller passed away in 1790, but his legacy lives on as a testament to the extraordinary capabilities that can be found in the most unexpected places, even under the most oppressive circumstances.

No one could challenge his abilities in mathematics, and his life story remains a powerful symbol of human resilience and genius.

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