Yobe State Leads in Grassroots Democracy: Governor Buni champions local governance

Yobe State Leads in Grassroots Democracy: Governor Buni champions local governance
Yobe State Governor, Mai Mala Buni

Yobe State Leads in Grassroots Democracy: Governor Buni champions local governance

Yobe State has duly elected local government councils, contrary to recent media reports, thanks to Governor Mai Mala Buni’s commitment to grassroots democracy. On June 9, 2024, the governor conducted elections across the 17 local government councils, and the elected chairmen and councillors were sworn in the next day.

According to a statement signed by Yusuf Ali, Senior Special Assistant on Digital and Strategic Communications, the elections were monitored by local and national observers and were deemed “free, fair, and credible.”

Governor Buni, a champion of grassroots democracy, has demonstrated his unwavering commitment to empowering the people and bringing development closer to the grassroots. “He has created an avenue for effective representation, active community involvement, and accountable local administration,” the statement read.

The governor’s dedication to grassroots democracy has laid a solid foundation for sustainable development and progress in Yobe State. “The impact of his belief in grassroots governance is evident in various developmental projects and initiatives across the state, fostering social cohesion, ownership, and sustainable development,” the statement added.

Governor Buni’s commitment to grassroots democracy goes beyond mere rhetoric. “He recognises that the real transformation happens at the local level, where the immediate needs and aspirations of the people reside.”

By empowering the local governments and involving citizens in decision-making processes, Governor Buni ensures that developmental efforts align with the actual needs of the people. “This approach bolsters social cohesion, fosters a sense of ownership, and creates an enabling environment for sustainable development across all sectors of society,” the statement read.

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Under Governor Buni’s leadership, the local government system plays a pivotal role in driving progress and development in Yobe State. “He has decentralized decision-making processes, creating a channel for direct communication between the government and the grassroots, eliminating unnecessary bureaucratic barriers,” the statement added.

As Governor Buni said, “Grassroots democracy is the foundation of sustainable development. By empowering the people at the local level, we can create a more inclusive and participatory governance model that truly serves the needs of our citizens.”


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